Christmas has come and gone once more. That fantastic season of giving and love which brings so much joy is now 364 days away. I hope you all had a wonderful day filled with joy and fun and family. These are a few shots from my day. Above is Gibbs, the tiny jingling dog. He is always very enjoyable to spend time with. One more shot of the little beast then on to some presents.
Navidad llegó y pasó una vez más. Esa fantástica temporada de dar y amor que trae tanta alegría es ahora 364 días. Espero que hayan tenido un día maravilloso lleno de alegría, diversión y familia. Estas son algunas fotos de mi día. Encima es Gibbs, el pequeño perro jingling. Siempre es muy agradable para pasar tiempo con. Una foto más de la pequeña bestia luego a algunos regalos.
My loot was much more than these and there will be more pictures to come at a later date. In order, the first is an inspirational sign my lady friend made me. Next are 2 big wooden signs made from the covers of comic books, and last are tickets to a basketball game I was very much hoping to be able to attend. That was my favorite of my gifts. The next shot is me wearing another of my gifts, a nice new university hoodie.
Mi botín fue mucho más que esto y habrá más fotos en una fecha posterior. En orden, la primera es un signo de inspiración me hizo mi amiga. A continuación son 2 grandes signos de madera de las cubiertas de libros de historietas y la última son boletos para un partido de baloncesto a que tenía mucha esperanza de poder asistir. Eso era mi favorito de mis dones. La siguiente toma es verme con otro de mis regalos, una buena nueva universidad sudadera con capucha.
Thank you all so much for the nice comments on my last poem. The encouragement is always appreciated and treasured. Hugs for all who will have them for as long as they will allow them to be. I will leave you with the true star of the blog in all his Christmas glory, Buddy!
Muchas gracias por los comentarios bien en mi último poema. El estímulo es siempre apreciado y atesorado. Abrazos para todos que tendrá para mientras que permitirán. Voy a salir con la verdadera estrella del blog en toda su gloria Navidad, Buddy!
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Is this what they mean by staying in the present? :x) / ¿Esto es lo que significan alojándose en el presente? :x) |
Gibbs, Gifts and a Bag Full of Buddy / Gibbs, Regalos y Una Bolsa llena de Buddy
Tulis commentsSuch nice photographs. Have a happy holiday.
ReplyJust want to say a very very happy Christmas and holidays. You look so cute with cap. Have a great Friday <3
ReplyHello hello dear Rick!! I have missed the blogging world and all my bloggin buddies for too long this time 'round *hiding face with hands* but I had to come back to wish you a very very merry christmas!! Sending lots of positive energy and warm love your way and may your spirit rise high with loads of joy this festive season. :)
ReplyChe bel post!!!
ReplyHai scattato foto stupende, una più bella dell'altra.
ReplyChe belli gli animali delle tue foto!!!
ReplyBellissimi Auguri di Buone Feste.
ReplySooo cute! Love this post..Keep In touch dear..
ReplyRampdiary/Beauty and fashion/ Art blog
Such nice gifts! Marry late Christmas Rick!
ReplyPaola ♡
Hi dear
ReplyOh great post, love this cutie dog, and of course Buddy
Merry Christmas!!
Soo cute! Love yor selfie ^_^
Reply♘ ♘
What nice presents! Happy Christmas to you Shamu
ReplyNice photos.=) The dog and the cat are so cute.
Replyyour dog is so adorable.
Replyhope youhad a fantastic christmas
OMG Gibbs is sooooo adorable. So glad you had a lovely Christmas and such cool presents. xoxoxo
ReplyBTW, forgot to say how sweet Buddy look sitting in the bag, hahahaha. xoxo
Replyadvance Happy New Year :)
Buddy what a gift you are to your Humans!
Replylovely gifts..nice comic books, they look vintage...wonderful inspirational quote and board, the one about being the ocean...really lovely present! the tickets are cool too:)
Reply....and Buddy is adorable!
I think your buddy wants more attention :)
ReplyI like the quote that you are the entire ocean is that from your lady friend ?
Have a happy Monday dear!
ReplySo lovely!
I love the caption for Buddy. Whose dog is Gibbs? You have a new pet? What a lovely hoodie.
ReplyIt would be so lovely to hear from you. I promise to respond either here or on your blog.