I go back and forth
On cellular phones
The very real benefits are obvious
In emergencies
What could be more helpful?
When there was a crisis
You might have to go a long way
To find a phone
Costing valuable minutes
That certainly cost lives
Or at the very least
More suffering
No denying this is a help to humanity
But what of the cost?
When you are in a restaurant
Look around
How many couples are head down
Over glowing phone
Instead of looking at each other?
Missing the very real moments
Taking place
Or never to have taken place
Right in front of them
Constantly in escape
From the present time and place
Often engaged with someone else
Bent down over their phone
Far, far away
Ignoring someone at their table
Bent over their phone
Texting is so easy, so quick
It has mostly replaced calling anyone
It has reduced our human contact
It makes us easier to misunderstand
It makes connections so terribly false
But accepted as real
A world pretending to be more together
And yet our differences have never been more severe
A species all too satisfied
With so rarely being here
Yo voy y vuelvo
En los teléfonos celulares
Los beneficios muy reales son evidentes
En casos de emergencia
¿Qué podría ser más útil?
antes de
Cuando hubo una crisis
Puede que tengas que recorrer un largo camino
Para encontrar un teléfono
Cálculo de valiosos minutos
Eso ciertamente cuesta vidas
O por lo menos
Más sufrimiento
No negar esto es una ayuda a la humanidad
Pero ¿qué pasa con el costo?
Cuando estás en un restaurante
Mira alrededor
¿Cuántas parejas son la cabeza hacia abajo
Sobre el teléfono brillante
En vez de mirarse el uno al otro?
Perdiendo los momentos muy reales
Teniendo lugar
O nunca haber tenido lugar
Justo enfrente de ellos
Constantemente en fuga
Desde el momento actual y el lugar
Frecuentemente comprometido con otra persona
Bent down sobre su teléfono
Muy muy lejos
Ignorando a alguien en su mesa
Inclinado sobre su teléfono
Texting es tan fácil, tan rápido
Ha sustituido en su mayoría a llamar a alguien
Ha reducido nuestro contacto humano
Nos hace más fáciles de entender mal
Hace conexiones tan terriblemente falsas
Pero aceptado como real
Un mundo que pretende estar más juntos
Y sin embargo, nuestras diferencias nunca han sido más severas
Una especie demasiado satisfecha
Con tan rara vez estando aquí
Vado avanti e indietro
Sui telefoni cellulari
I vantaggi reali sono evidenti
In caso di emergenza
Cosa potrebbe essere più utile?
Quando c'era una crisi
Potresti andare a lungo
Per trovare un telefono
Costare minuti preziosi
Che sicuramente costa vite
O almeno
Più sofferenze
Non negare questo sia un aiuto all'umanità
Ma che cosa c'è di costo?
Quando sei in un ristorante
Guardatevi attorno
Quante coppie sono in testa
Sopra il telefono incandescente
Invece di guardarsi l'un l'altro?
Mancano i momenti molto reali
Prendere posto
O non avrebbe mai avuto luogo
Proprio davanti a loro
Costantemente in fuga
Dal momento e il luogo attuale
Spesso impegnato con qualcun altro
Si chinò sul telefono
Molto molto Lontano
Ignorare qualcuno al loro tavolo
Piegato sul telefono
La testiera è così facile, così veloce
Per lo più ha sostituito la chiamata a nessuno
Ha ridotto il nostro contatto umano
Ci rende più facile fraintendere
Rende i collegamenti così terribilmente falsi
Ma accettato come reale
Un mondo che finge di essere più insieme
Eppure le nostre differenze non sono mai state più severe
Una specie troppo soddisfatta
Con così raramente essere qui
Being Here / Estar aquí / Essere qui
Tulis commentsHi sweetie! Love the poem and photos!
Maggie D.
IndianSavageBlog by Maggie Dallospedale
I agree my friend.. we are so busy looking at our phone well just some not all. I feel so guilty hehe, but at some point specially talking to someone, I put my phone down and engage in good conversation. hope you have a greta weekend my friend, Shamu.
That's true!!
Wish you a great day sweetie!
Maggie D.
IndianSavageBlog by Maggie Dallospedale
i love this words!
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have an happy day
This is so true,
Replythank you for this lovely post.
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So so true. We are all addicted to our phones. I find me hopping from one app to the next and the next and then repeat the cycle. Smdh, lately I've been trying to wean myself off and make real life connections and being more present.
I can't agree more with everything you said! I love how well you put them into words too!
ReplyAngelie // Loreal Infallible Makeup Extender Setting Spray Review
moto bella
ReplyMrs NoOne
Great post!
ReplyWould you like to follow each other? If you do, follow me and let me know in the comments on my blog, so I can follow back.
Great artistic pics!
it is very sad to admit the fact that this is basically what most people do. Including myself sometimes. Thank you for the kind reminder.
ReplyAnyway, could you please check your email, Shamu? Thanks!
Bello il testo e anche le foto!
ReplyLe foto sono molto suggestive, belle!
ReplyBuon fine settimana!
ReplyHey my little hero! Amazing words and poem! Long time has passed but now I'm back! Don't forget to like me on Facebook :*
Reply♘ www.sugarpopfashion.com ♘
Mi piace leggere i tuoi testi!
ReplyMolto belle anche le immagini!
ReplyBuona settimana carissimo!
ReplyI miss your blog, glad to see you migrated here. I miss your poems and amazing thoughts.
ReplyMuch Love,
Zarrah | The Bandwagon Chic
Me gustó mucho tu post
ReplyComo siempre muy inspirador
very nice!!
ReplySo true
Hi sweetheart! Wish you a lovely day!
Maggie D.
IndianSavageBlog by Maggie Dallospedale
have a nice day
ReplyNew review on my blog <<< clothes for ice skating >>>
This is soooo true. But what would we do without our phones???
ReplyIt would be so lovely to hear from you. I promise to respond either here or on your blog.