Hello wonderful guests! Welcome to All Things Bright and Lovely. This is a little different entry than most as I will be mixing some images of cool graffiti I found in a small area of Indianapolis with little bits of an essay regarding my last poem. I normally do not expand upon my poetry, but this issue is one very central and important to me, so I decided to explore it a bit more. Enjoy the pictures, enjoy the words, either or both, I am just happy to have you visit :)
Hola los huéspedes maravillosos! Bienvenido a todas las cosas brillantes y encantador. Es un poco diferente entrada más como va ser mezcla de algunas de las imágenes del graffiti cool que encontré en una pequeña área de Indianapolis con pedacitos de un ensayo sobre mi último poema. Yo normalmente no ampliar mi poesía, pero este problema es uno muy central y muy importante para mí, así que me decidí a explorar un poco más. Disfrutar de las fotos, disfrutar de las palabras, uno o ambos, me alegra tenerte de visita :)
The poem was certainly fueled with resentment, with anger, much of it aimed right back at me. For too long I have allowed people to take advantage of me, to take me for granted. I have made excuses for people who claim to care about me while they neglect, judge and shame me. And all the while I refused to see the truth, refused to stop believing in these people no matter what happened. A completely unearned optimism guided my thoughts towards them eternally hoping that one day they would love me with the same open arms and heart as I loved them.
El poema sin duda fue alimentado con resentimiento, con rabia, mucha dirigido regreso a mí. Durante mucho tiempo me he permitido personas se aprovechen de mí, me dar por sentado. He hecho excusas para quienes pretenden importo mientras descuidan, juzgar y avergonzarme. Y al mismo tiempo me negué a ver la verdad, que se negó a dejar de creer en estas personas pasara lo que pasara. Un optimismo completamente inmerecido había guiado mis pensamientos hacia ellos eternamente la esperanza de que algún día me amaría con los mismos brazos abiertos y el corazón como los amaba.
So I did what I was always told to, give without thinking about what you might receive, focus on the needs of others and not your own. And it is not so much that those are horrible ideas, but I discovered you really need to be careful who you apply them to. Most people I have encountered think it is wonderful to find a forever giving, forever forgiving, forever loving person so they can take advantage of them, use them when they have need of them and ignore them the rest of the time. So step one is the be more selective in who I give these gifts to and step two is to monitor and make certain the giving never gets too far out of balance.
Así que hice lo que siempre me dijeron que daría sin pensar en lo que es posible que reciba, centrarse en las necesidades de los demás y no su propia. Y no es tanto que son horribles ideas, pero descubrí que realmente tienes que tener cuidado que se les aplican. Me he topado con mayoría de la gente cree que es maravilloso encontrar una eternidad dando, siempre perdonar, amar para siempre a persona así que pueden aprovecharse de ellos, utilizarlos cuando tienen necesidad de ellos y les ignora el resto del tiempo. Así el primer paso es el ser más selectivo que doy estos dones a y paso dos es vigilar y asegúrese de que la entrega no sale mucho equilibrio.
And so now I am trying that out, putting my energy and time towards people who do the same for me. The good thing for now anyway is that my standards for what I am satisfied with as far as a return of affection are so low the common mongoose might be able to meet them. Some of the people in my life, however, could use lessons from the mongoose. I used to be the least low maintenance friend in the world, now I am the least low maintenance friend with self respect and self love as a guard for my heart.
Y ahora estoy probando, poniendo mi energía y tiempo a las personas que hacen lo mismo por mí. De todos modos lo bueno por ahora es que mis estándares para lo que estoy satisfecho con en cuanto a un retorno de afecto son tan baja la mangosta común podrían ser capaces de satisfacerlos. Algunas de las personas en mi vida, sin embargo, podrían utilizar las lecciones de la mangosta. Yo solía ser el amigo de mantenimiento menos bajo en el mundo, ahora soy el menos bajo mantenimiento con autoestima y amor del uno mismo como un protector para el corazón.
What I especially like about this change in me is that people judging me has much less of an impact as before. I can see inside my heart, I know my actions come from a loving place and, if anyone takes those words or actions the wrong way then that is fine. Not everyone can be on the same wavelength, not everyone is alike. I am responsible for sharing what is in my heart and other people are responsible for how they process it. If the process leads to a negative reaction then fine, we go our separate ways. But how wonderful when the opposite happens :)
Lo que me gusta especialmente sobre este cambio en mí es que la gente me juzga tiene mucho menos impacto como antes. Puedo ver dentro de mi corazón, sé que mis acciones provienen de un lugar amoroso y si alguno quitare de las palabras o acciones de la manera equivocada y está bien. No todos pueden ser en la misma onda, no todos son iguales. Soy responsable de compartir lo que está en mi corazón y otras personas son responsables de cómo lo procesan. Si el proceso conduce a una reacción negativa entonces bien, nos vamos caminos separados. Pero qué maravilloso cuando sucede lo contrario :)
A friend, a true real friend, as defined by me and me alone, is someone I can say anything to and they will hear it with ears of love, they will understand it comes from someone who adores them, who would move mountains for them, who values them so deeply. Acceptance is my addiction, not just taking parts of me or trying to make me into something or accepting me every third Sunday as it suits you, accepting me. Me! And anything less is not friendship, it is not from a place of love and the falseness of it is nails on a chalk board to me heart. Because I have experienced acceptance and I now wonder why I ever called anything less than that friendship. I will adapt myself as needed in dealing with strangers, casual acquaintances, people who want things from me. If that is all you want to be, then there you go. I have plenty but such things are fine. What I want, what enriches my life, what brings joy to my heart, however, are friends, true ones, who take me as I am, who want to build me up, who want to be a team. People who do not just say they care but show it also.
Un amigo, un amigo de verdad verdad, definida por mí y yo solo, alguien que puedo decirlo que es y lo escucharán con orejas de amor, entiendan que se trata de alguien que los adora, que movería montañas por ellos, que tan profundamente los valores. La aceptación es mi adicción, no sólo tomando partes de mí o tratando de convertirme en algo o aceptarme cada tercer domingo como te conviene, aceptarme. ¡ Yo! Cualquier cosa menos no es amistad, no es de un lugar de amor y la falsedad de es clavos en una tiza del tablero a mi corazón. Porque yo he experimentado aceptación y yo ahora pregunto por qué he llamado nada menos que esa amistad. Me adaptaré yo mismo según sea necesario para tratar con extraños, conocidos casuales, gente que quiere cosas de mí. Si eso es todo lo que quieras ser, entonces ahí tienes. Tengo un montón, pero esas cosas están bien. Lo que quiero, lo que enriquece mi vida, lo que trae alegría a mi corazón, sin embargo, son amigos verdaderos, que aceptarme como soy, que quiero edificarme, que quieren formar un equipo. Gente que no acaba de decir que importa sino mostrarlo también.
Thank you so much for reading! You can probably tell this is a topic is very important to me. If you have any questions or comments you do not want public, email me at shamuboo@yahoo.com And thank you also for those inspiring, wonderful comments on that last poem. It motivated me to write an essay which I have not done in a long time. Thank you so much!! Big hugs for you, darlings :)
Muchas gracias por leer! Probablemente sabes esto es un tema muy importante para mí. Si usted tiene alguna pregunta o comentario no público, enviarme un email a shamuboo@yahoo.com y gracias también por esas inspiradoras, maravillosos comentarios sobre ese último poema. Eso me motivó a escribir un ensayo que no lo he hecho en mucho tiempo. ¡¡Muchas gracias!! Abrazo, queridos :)
If These Walls Could Talk / Si las Paredes Hablan
Tulis commentsHola mi querido Shamu,
Replyestas fotos son encantadoras. Los grafitis me encantan y me parecen verdaderas obras de arte que "hablan" y muestran los sentimientos y las emociones de estos jovenes artistas.
No veo la hora de leer el proximo poema.
Un abrazo <3
Maggie Dallospedale Fashion diary - Fashion blog
Que bonitas palabras, y las imágenes de los grafitis son muy chulas.
ReplyMe ha encarado.
Y gracias por los comentarios :D
Great post.I agree on you on the part of true friends
ReplyI agree on you on the part of true friends, I love graffiti and It seems true works of art that show the feelings and emotions of these artists. Great post and unique idea to express your poem's emotion.
ReplyHave a happy Monday <3
Beautiful graffiti!
ReplyHave a nice day, my friend:))
Another great post and those graffiti are <3 Have a great day ^^
ReplyVisit my blog: www.sarahrizaga.blogspot.com
love street art, that murales look gorgeous
Wow you have such beautiful words--you are so skilled in both English and Spanish! (I only speak a little but it seems like you are equally poetic in Spanish c;)
ReplyAlso the murals are really so awesome--I love street art! I think pairing with poetry is such a great idea! Love your blog! xx
<(') Hoda | JooJoo Azad
Mi dulce Rick
Replyespero que pases un feliz dia.
Muchas gracias por tus cariñosas palabras.
Un beso
Maggie D.
<a href="http://www.indiansavage.com”> Maggie Dallospedale Fashion diary - Fashion Blog </a>
Hi dear
ReplyGreat post!
Love graffitis when they are artistic like these ones
Beautiful pics <3
INSTAGRAM: sissihope
The graffitis are amazing, some of these people are true artists. As for the essay... I agree with a lot of what you say, giving, giving and giving and never receiving anything in return becomes tiring and it's obvious that people that only take are not real friends. I also think that people should accept us the way we are but on the other hand, sometimes we can't just overlook other people's feelings and we have to adapt a little.It's a matter of finding the middle of the road, nor one exteme nor the other. I think true friends are few and to me a true friend is someone I can count on no matter what. I have many friends but true friends I think I could probably count on the fingers of one hand. xoxoxo
ReplyCiao mi dulce Rick
ReplyTe deseo un maravilloso y brillante dia
mil besos
Maggie Dallospedale Fashion diary - Fashion blog
I love these murales! Great pics and great words!
I love graffitti and these are really amazing! :)
ReplyKeep in touch
The images of the walls full of graffiti are so amazing! love all and each of them. In regards to your thoughts about giving too much to people who don't give it back, I completely agree with it. Is always good to be that way but only with people who deserve it and give it back at you.
Lovely words and amazing post!
It would be so lovely to hear from you. I promise to respond either here or on your blog.