Previously in Revelations: Taken twice to witness the end of all things, our hero finally faces his destiny and accepts the task given him by a shining stranger: Protect the bloodlines of the two men that may one day bring hope for a new future.
Having rescued his first charge, young Louisa, from her home in Northern Ireland, the pair find themselves beset by four winged assailants and four more who may, or may not, be their salvation...
Anteriormente en el Apocalipsis: toma dos veces para presenciar el fin de todas las cosas, nuestro héroe finalmente se enfrenta a su destino y acepta la tarea que le había dado un extraño brillante: Proteger las líneas de sangre de los dos hombres que algún día podría traer la esperanza de un nuevo futuro.
Después de haber rescatado a su primer cargo, el joven Louisa, desde su casa en Irlanda del Norte, la pareja se encuentran acosado por cuatro asaltantes con alas y cuatro más que pueden, o no, ser su salvación ...
Bright swords of flame
Sizzling as they met
The only sound
Wordlessly the eight dueled
Feathers swirling in the chilled air
My helplessness washed over me
Unaware even of which four intended rescue
If any even did
Just then
A glimpse, a reflection
Fire glinting off my shiny sword
Lying so tantalizingly close in the snow
Turning to young Louisa
I bade her to stay in place
Make herself as small as possible
A sure, strong nod in response
Then down into a crouch she went
And I pulled myself out of our warren
And I began crawling, hands and knees
To my errant weapon
As I drew near
A hum filled the sky
And then so loud it shook the earth
Thick clouds parted
And I beheld a column of sparkling, white light
Shooting from the sky
And the instant it met my eyes
I was blinded
And a few scant moments later
A sound of impact
My body flung away
As if a hand swatting a small insect
As if a leaf in a terrible tempest
Burning pain shot through me
A cold, frozen burning
As I tumbled to a rough landing
An unknown distance hence
The humming had subsided
Replaced by chilling silence
My sight not yet repaired
Footsteps quickly approaching
A scared but determined voice
"Kind sir, are ye here?"
Never happier to hear
An accent so Irish
But what of the horsemen?
Espadas brillantes de la llama
Sizzling cuando se encontraron
El único sonido
Sin mediar palabra los ocho se batieron en duelo
Las plumas se arremolinaban en el aire frío
Mi impotencia se apoderó de mí
Superados en número
Sin darse cuenta siquiera de los cuales cuatro de rescate previsto
Si alguno incluso hicieron
Sólo entonces
Una mirada, una reflexión
Brillando fuego de mi espada brillante
Mentir tan tentadoramente cerca en la nieve
En cuanto al joven Louisa
Yo le pedí a permanecer en el lugar
Hacerse lo más pequeño posible
Un fuerte movimiento de cabeza Seguro, en respuesta
Luego abajo en cuclillas se fue
Y me sacó a mí mismo fuera de nuestro laberinto
Y empecé arrastrándose, las manos y las rodillas
Para mi arma andante
Al acercarme
Un zumbido llenó el cielo
Y entonces tan fuerte que sacudió la tierra
Las nubes se abrieron
Después vi una columna de espumoso, luz blanca
Disparos desde el cielo
Y en el instante en que miró a los ojos
Estaba cegado
Y unos minutos escasos después
Un sonido de impacto
Mi cuerpo se arrojó lejos
Como si una mano aplastando un insecto pequeño
Como si de una hoja en una terrible tempestad
Quemar tiro dolor a través de mí
Una, la quema congelado frío
Como me caí a un aterrizaje brusco
Por lo tanto, una distancia desconocida
El zumbido se había calmado
Sustituido por el silencio escalofriante
Mi vista no reparó
Pasos que se acercaban rápidamente
Una voz asustada pero decidida
"Señor Kind, estáis vosotros aquí?"
Nunca más feliz de escuchar
Un acento tan irlandés
Pero ¿qué hay de los hombres de a caballo?
Revelations X: Fire and Ice / Revelations X: Fuego y Hielo
Tulis commentsi think my friend you are also good in writing stories or novels..you are very talented..thanks for always commenting in my blog..
so dramatic! but what of the horseman!!!
ReplyI can't wait to read the next one.
nice poem
ReplyMrs NoOne
great story,such a great blog
ReplyHave a great weekend!
oh my, this is soo cool! you are a great fictionist Shamu!!!!!! I can only want more!
Replylove lots,
This looks so cool!
Beautiful written dear
ReplyThe pictures are great too
You are so sweet! What a nice compliment
Thank you lovely!
ReplyThat is very nice of you to say!!! Thanks so much dear
Wonderful last outfit post, you looked so beautiful and exciting!
ReplyThanks so much dear
ReplyThat is so nice! Thank you and you too
ReplyMore is coming soon! Thank you very very much sweetie! Much love
ReplyYes as we discussed, no spoilers ;)P And glad we cleared that up about the voice too. Sadly no one survived from Louisa's house but her. Sending many big long hugs to you too gorgeous
ReplyYou are so sweet! Thanks
ReplyThank you so much, dear
ReplyHehehe, that "previously on Revelation" made me smile...like in a serial...This chapter is rather short though as impressive and beautiful as always.
ReplyAwesome post! Very lovely photos too. Happy Monday dear!
Facebook / Bloglovin
Hi dear
ReplyWow great!! This post is amazing
I've missed too much visiting your blog, but now I'm here again
Superbe article!
ReplyBonne soiree!
Photographer Gil Zetbase
Me fascina como siempre.
ReplySon los momentos mas placenteros estos en los que leo tus entradas.
Le revelaciones provocan emociones muy fuertes
Un beso
Maggie Dallospedale Fashion diary - Fashion blog
Have a nice week Rick
Maggie Dallospedale Fashion diary - Fashion blog
Yes I stole the idea from the television show The West Wing
Had to stop sort of in the middle of this chapter, the next part was a tad too long. Thanks so much sweetie 
ReplyVery happy Monday to you too
ReplySo glad to see you back and thanks so much!! xoxo
ReplyThanks so much
ReplyYour words are so kind, dear! Thank you so much gorgeous friend
ReplyQuerido Rick, te deseo una hermosa semana y que todos tus deseos se cumplan
Replyun beso
Maggie D.
Culottes Pants on Fashion Blog Maggie Dallospedale fashion diary
You should publish this <3
ReplyStyleccentric Fashion // SCF // alyssamoniquebustillo.co.nr
thank you.
Replyamazing post!!!
Nice post!
This is resurrecting a forgotten form of art these days - telling a story with the help of a beautiful poem. Stunning words, beautifully composed!
I don't understand who Louisa is! And is that her in the PVC suit?
Replyxoxo Bing.
Eres tan dulce, mi querida amiga! Gracias por las palabras bonitas y todo el placer que me le dan
ReplyThank you! I am having thoughts like that as it gets larger and larger
ReplyYou too! xoxo
ReplyThank you so much lovely!
ReplySo sweet, thank you
ReplyIt is something new to me for sure, this style, but I am really enjoying it. A big challenge to tell the story in such a way. Thank you for noticing and appreciating that dear
ReplyYes this style lends itself to possible misses in the understanding department, it has been something I am trying to be aware of. Lousia is an ancestor of a man who will one day be born that may have the key to stopping the end of the Earth. Our main character is charged with ensuring his birth by protecting his bloodline.

ReplyAnd no, I am unfamiliar with the lady in the fancy suit. Louisa had very red, very curly hair and never made it to the time of PVC
Thank you so much
ReplyImagens e postagem maravilhosa lindas poesia arrasou
Have a nice day sweetie!

ReplyMaggie D.
Fashion Blog Maggie Dallospedale fashion diary
this is very good! keep up! Love the images to illustrate as well!
Blog | Taislany
such beautiful words. (:
Reply❀ xo
phenomenal poem
Replya big kiss
<<< fashion blogger Pamela Soluri >>>
Great poem, I want to read more
Paola ♡
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