Ireland 1740
Each step I took sunk deep in snow
Nearly dragging my poor charge along
Both of us breathing so heavily
The air freezing the minute it left our lips
This winter
The worst winter this kingdom had known
Glancing back at young Louisa
More a bundle of coats than a person
For all I could find I placed upon her
Even my own
For, as the wind and cold would gnaw my skin
It would heal right behind
No chill would stop my heart
Louisa bore not the same protection
Thus this huffing sack of garments at my tail
Had it truly been only a handful of days
Since her name appeared
Carved into the walls of my tiny London hovel
With her home writ underneath
A town far north
Amidst a war on famine long fought
Badly progressing
And I tell you plainly
For those reasons
Not easily reached
And yet I traveled
By horse as far as I safely could
Finally boarding the poor beast
When the elements were simply too cruel
My feet were then my transport
Slow movement, careful
Through a nation starving and frozen
Beset by a brittle, bracing assault
With mighty stealth I strode
Past soldiers, loud mobs
Accents of many type
Finally reaching this castle town
And then careful questions
To find the house Adrain
Home of my quarry
Met with hostile suspicion
My only defense against which
Was the truth
And so I spun my tale
Of the end of all things
Of the glowing figure
Of my mission itself
And then I spoke the last words
Found etched into my humble home
Having no meaning to me
But sending eyes wide, mouths agape
Jervas sends his regrets
Then this proud father spun a yarn
Of his great enemy Jervas
Not long since passed on
And though all were surprised he might reside
In the great hereafter
This convinced them of my truth
And the dire peril soon to befall young Louisa
And even as I breathed a heavy and relieved sigh
The sound of many hoof beats close approaching
And my mind fell solely on escape
Irlanda 1740
Cada paso que daba hundido profundamente en la nieve
Casi arrastrando mi pobre carga a lo largo de
Ambos respirando tan pesadamente
El aire helado el minuto que dejó los labios
Este invierno
El peor invierno este reino había conocido
Mirando hacia atrás en jóvenes Louisa
Más un paquete de capas que una persona
Por todo lo que pude encontrar coloqué sobre ella
Incluso mi propia
Porque, como el viento y el frío que roer mi piel
Se curaría justo detrás
No frialdad dejaría mi corazón
Louisa no llevaba la misma protección
Por lo tanto este saco resoplando de prendas en mi cola
Si hubiera sido realmente sólo un puñado de días
Desde que su nombre apareció
Tallado en las paredes de mi pequeña choza de Londres
Con su auto en casa debajo
Una ciudad al norte
En medio de una guerra contra el hambre a largo peleado
Mal progresando
Y yo te digo claramente
Por estas razones
No es de fácil acceso
Y, sin embargo viajé
Por caballo por lo que con seguridad podría
Finalmente subir al pobre animal
Cuando los elementos eran simplemente demasiado cruel
Mis pies estaban entonces mi transporte
Movimiento lento, cuidadoso
A través de una nación hambrienta y congelados
Acosado por una frágil, asalto arriostramiento
Con poderosos sigilo Caminé
Soldados Pasado, turbas fuertes
Acentos de muchos tipos
Finalmente llegar a esta ciudad del castillo
Y preguntas entonces cuidadosas
Para encontrar la casa de Adrian
Inicio de mi cantera
Se reunió con recelo hostil
Mi única defensa contra la que
¿Era la verdad
Y así Giré mi historia
Por el fin de todas las cosas
De la cifra brillando
Por sí mi misión
Y luego hablé las últimas palabras
Encontrado grabado en mi humilde hogar
Al no tener sentido para mí
Pero el envío de los ojos muy abiertos, la boca abierta
Jervas envía su pesar
Entonces este orgulloso padre giró un hilo
De su gran enemigo Jervas
No hace mucho tiempo pasado
Y aunque todos se sorprendieron podría residir
En la gran sucesivo
Esto les convenció de mi verdad
Y el grave peligro que pronto acontezca joven Louisa
Y así como yo respiré un suspiro pesado y aliviado
El sonido de muchos golpes del enganche cercanas acercarse
Y mi mente se redujo únicamente en fuga
Revelations VIII: The Chill / Revelaciones VIII: El Chill
Tulis commentsNice post
ReplyI love winter
ReplyEscribes muy bonito y profundo. Un saludo.
ReplyBelas imagens, você arrasa nos texto amo a sua emoção
Replyque vem do fundo da alma sucesso.
This is post is wonderful
Amazing post dear
This is such an exciting post!
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beautiful poem
ReplyI posted a new OUTFIT, I'd love to know your opinion
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I wish you an happy day
a big kiss
<<< fashion blogger Pamela Soluri >>>
Hola Rich, como siempre das prueba de escribir con tu corazon y con tu gran cariño.
ReplyMe encanto.
Un beso
Maggie Dallospedale Fashion diary - Fashion blog
Thanks so much!
ReplyMe too dear
ReplyGracias guapa! Besos!
ReplyMuy dolce mi amiga! Gracias!
ReplyThank you dear and many kisses!
ReplyYou are so sweet! Thanks
ReplyThanks, a happy day and a big kiss for you too dear
ReplyBeautifully written, as always. I remember such kind of winters in my native Belarus, soooo cold. You wear a bunch of clothes but feel like you are naked...
Replyso you're taking us back in time now....or maybe the future relived. I always liked this theme of immortal ( I enjoyed Highlander movies and series long time ago) and I wondered how heart breaking it must have been to outlive the those you loved.
ReplyThis poem is wonderfully written as usual...I really felt the Winter...and I felt for young girl. We don't have harsh winters here, but sometimes in Winter we get strong wind that can amount to 200 km an hour...and against that kind of wind there is no protection. The temperature might be -1 but it feels like -30! Luckly, it never lasts for long.
Lovely post as always honey!!
Very nice poetry, made me move to the place you are very talented for writing.
Beautiful and soothing words... I adore your poetry!
Que belas palavras arrasou, lindas imagens
Querido Rick paso a desearte una feliz noche
Replyun beso
Maggie Dallospedale Fashion diary - Fashion blog
Sempre grande affetto per voi, bella amica! Baci
ReplyWe rarely have them where I live now. Cold, but nothing like that. I like being cold though! Thanks so much sweetie
ReplyGood heavens that wind would be wonderful! I love when nature roars, keeps me in my place as a tiny human
Thanks so much for the kind words. Get ready for more rescue stories through history after this one is complete.
ReplyThank you gorgeous
ReplyYou are so sweet dear
ReplyThat is wonderful of you to share! Thank you so much
ReplyYou are so very sweet and lovely dear
thank you!!!
ReplyBesos quiero!!
ReplyGracias quiero! Besitos
Replyamazing post dear !!
amazing piece of poetry....
nice pics and words! <3
ReplyVery beautifully written and loved those pics!!
ReplyI'm looking forward to them. I'm sure they will be inspirational.
ReplyAmazing piece to read and perfect images. Hugs and Kisses
ReplyFashion and Cookies - fashion blog
Que maximo arrasou como sempre, bom final de semana
I sure hope so
ReplyThank you so much
ReplyThat is very sweet! Thanks
ReplyThank you very much
ReplyHaha well now we got Louisa straight offline and the time travel cleared up as well. Our hero does fancy himself a bit funny so amusing is hoped for
Thank you so much my sweet meat bunny! Kisses
ReplyThank you so much, darling! You are too kind
ReplyBig thanks and hugs and kisses for you, lovely
ReplyGracias guapa
ReplyI hardly survive in cold, but I am hoping to experience winter soon....#poeticShamu
i hate cold..
Hola Rick,
Replypasa un feliz fin de semana.
Un beso
Maggie D.
Fashion Blog Maggie Dallospedale fashion diary
So lovely post! Thanks for sharing!
ReplyHave a nice week-end!
Photographe Gil Zetbase
wow,beautiful words
Replygreat post and pictures too
Great post. Beautiful photos :*
Lovely post
ReplyIt would be so lovely to hear from you. I promise to respond either here or on your blog.