Greeting dear people, The Sprinch welcomes you to another addition of All Things Bright and Lovely. Today, some of my favorite shots from my Instagram page. Have not quite got my new poem completed so I will fill your eyes instead of your hearts :) Enjoy!
Saludo querido pueblo, La Sprinch le da la bienvenida a otro, además de todas las cosas brillantes y hermoso. Hoy en día, algunas de mis fotos favoritas de mi página de Instagram. No han bastante de mi nuevo poema completado así que voy a llenar sus ojos en lugar de sus corazones :) disfrutar!
Saluto cari, Il Sprinch vi dà il benvenuto ad un altro aggiunta di tutte le cose luminose e bella. Oggi, alcuni dei miei scatti preferiti dalla mia pagina Instagram. Non hanno abbastanza ottenuto la mia nuova poesia completato così vi riempire i vostri occhi al posto dei vostri cuori :) Buon divertimento!
It was fun to see all the comments on my last post. Other people have very strong feelings on the season too, good and bad. Special thanks to anyone who sympathized with me regarding the vanishing tights :) I hope you all have a fantastic day, thank you for all you do for me. Every bit of it is appreciated so much! Big hugs!!
Fue divertido para ver todos los comentarios en mi último mensaje. Otras personas tienen sentimientos muy fuertes en la temporada también, buenas y malas. Gracias especiales a cualquier persona que se compadeció de mí con respecto a las medias de fuga :) Yo espero que todos tengan un día fantástico, gracias por todo lo que haces por mí. Cada bit de la misma se aprecia tanto! ¡¡Grandes abrazos!!
E 'stato divertente vedere tutti i commenti sul mio ultimo post. Altre persone hanno sentimenti molto forti sulla stagione troppo, buoni e cattivi. Un ringraziamento speciale a tutti coloro che simpatizzavano con me per quanto riguarda i collant di fuga :) Spero che tutti hanno una giornata fantastica, grazie per tutto quello che fai per me. Ogni bit di esso è apprezzato così tanto! Grandi abbracci!!
Photo Laughs / Se ríe de fotos / Foto Ride
Tulis commentssuch a nice post as usual
new post
Your instagram posts are always a delight for me!!! thanks for always inspiring us Shamu!
ReplyP.S those desserts above looks amazing!!! I wanted to try those! ahaha
love lots,
lovely photos dear Shamu....nice of you to think both of our hearts and our eyes;)
Such Wonderful photos
ReplySon fotos demasiado divertidas
Replyun beso
Maggie Dallospedale Fashion diary - Fashion blog
Hello to the nice strawberries in chocolate! The mugs are funny!
ReplyMy favourites are definately the mugs and the strawberries.

thank you dear! Kisses
ReplyYou are so sweet! What a kind comment, I really appreciate it! Would be wonderful to buy you one of those desserts as thanks
Lots of love to you too dear!
ReplyI always appreciate bloggers who possibly take certain aspects I appreciate into consideration when crafting their posts. I like to think you are on that list ;)
ReplyThanks so much!
ReplyThank you hot stuff
ReplyIs that including my mug?
P Thanks so much, Kez! Your visits always brighten my day.
ReplyThat's because you only hang with the cool mugs and are very sweet too
ReplyAmazing pics!
Nice and colourful set of photos, as always! I would not mind to have one of those chocolate covered strawberries
well, I can't say that I wear tights only for this reason, I think I got comfortable with wearing tights a long time ago when I worked as a flight attendant, but I'm certainly glad you enjoy seeing them on my blog.
ReplyHave a great day Shamu!
super nice pictures
ReplyI'd love to know your opinion on my new post
----> fashion blogger italia
have an happy day
Yes I do, dear, so very much! Thank you for being so kind and understanding. I really appreciate it.
ReplyThank you and many kisses sweet cutie
ReplyWell if you stop by I will get you one
Thanks wonderful friend!
ReplyYou are so sweet! Thanks
ReplyThanks so much, sweetie! Kisses
ReplyThank you so much lovely
ReplyCute stuff to purchase.
ReplyIm lovin those breads with toppings on it.
The Bandwagon Chic | Instagram | Bloglovin | Snapchat: bandwagonchic
Feliz Martes
Replyun beso
Maggie D.
Fashion Blog Maggie Dallospedale fashion diary
Que belas imagens arrasando como sempre, essa cara de sapeca
Replyque ama coloridos arrasou.
Feliz dia Rick
Replyun beso
Maggie D.
Fashion Blog Maggie Dallospedale fashion diary
So stunning! I like this so much.
Reply** Join Love, Beauty Bloggers on facebook. A place for beauty and fashion bloggers from all over the world to promote their latest posts!
You are cute stuff yourself
Thanks dear!
ReplyThank you lovely!
ReplyGracias guapa
ReplyHappy day to to you dear and many kisses
ReplyThank you very much!
Replyyou're welcome!
Reply♡ Week summary ♡
Bom dia amigo amo esse blog super colorido como eu
Your pics put me in a good mood, always, and so your comments <3 Much love, xoxo Groot !
ReplyFashion and Cookies - fashion and beauty blog
These look great! Cute stuff!
Feliz dia Rick.
ReplyUn beso
Maggie Dallospedale Fashion diary - Fashion blog
there's so much energy in these it
ReplyI look forward to read your next poem
that llama is awesome!
lol cool
Love your post!!
ReplyI am glad you enjoyed reading my recent posts.
Thanks for the support and thoughtful words on my recent post, I deeply appreciate it!!
Your pics are always so nice and colorful! Thanks for sharing!;-)
Paola ♡
It would be so lovely to hear from you. I promise to respond either here or on your blog.