Friday, December 15, 2017

A Toast to Christmas Past

A Toast to Christmas Past

Hello, love bugs and buggers.  Dusting off my keyboard and trying to remember all the complex steps it takes to make a blog post.  Type something, click something, its familiar :)  Anyway, the month of...
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Saturday, August 12, 2017

Being Here  /  Estar aquí  /  Essere qui

Being Here / Estar aquí / Essere qui

I go back and forth On cellular phones The very real benefits are obvious In emergencies What could be more helpful? Before When there was a crisis You might have to go a long way To find a phone Costing valuable minutes That...
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Thursday, July 27, 2017

Fede del Tenere  /  Faith of the Kept  /  La fe de los mantenidos

Fede del Tenere / Faith of the Kept / La fe de los mantenidos

Ciao ancora, bei amici! Oggi una voce speciale su un luogo che ho visitato di recente. C'è una base militare vicino a dove vivo e che è stata lì per molti decenni. Nella Seconda Guerra Mondiale, una parte della base...
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Thursday, July 13, 2017

Tired of the Minimal  /  Cansado de lo mínimo  /  Stanco del Minimo

Tired of the Minimal / Cansado de lo mínimo / Stanco del Minimo

What is it about people? That they feel the need to label others That they think their beliefs Entitle them to judge others Who believe a different waySmall, tiny minds Trapped in the numbing sameness of life Waiting...
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Sunday, June 25, 2017

Learned  /  Aprendido  /  Imparato

Learned / Aprendido / Imparato

When I was small Young and new My parents in love with alcohol That drove them to battle in the night As I would try and sleep And it taught me how To keep quiet To stay out of the way To not become a part of the fight Every...
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Saturday, June 17, 2017



Welcome my super friends!  Apologies for my absence, I have been spending time in other pursuits lately so my blog is a bit backlogged.  I have been trying my best to get around to some of yours so you do not...
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Monday, May 22, 2017

From Here to There  /   de aquí para allá  /  da qui a lì

From Here to There / de aquí para allá / da qui a lì

If someone asked you who you are What would you be moved to say? Would you tell them where you work Or maybe just your name? Are you a traveler to distant shores Or most at home within your house? Do you long to play...
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