If someone asked you who you are
What would you be moved to say?
Would you tell them where you work
Or maybe just your name?
Are you a traveler to distant shores
Or most at home within your house?
Do you long to play the field
Or yearn for the warm embrace of a spouse?
When music floats into the air
Does it make you want to dance?
Make your heart beat double time
Conducting with your hands?
Is parenthood a place you'll visit
Or steer clear by a mile?
Does art dwell within your soul
Are you in love with fashion and with style?
Do you want to rule the world
Or just your bowling team?
Are you a girl who is a boy
Or a boy who is a girl?
Do you greet the days with joy
Or cling tightly to sleep and dreams?
And are you who
You thought you'd be
In younger days of wonder
Firefighter, astronaut
Cowboy or a traffic cop
Ballerina, nurse, airplane pilot
Actress, model, millionaire
And how did you get from here to there?
Si alguien te preguntó quién eres
¿Qué te moverías a decir?
¿Les dirías dónde trabajas?
O tal vez sólo su nombre?
Eres un viajero a orillas distantes
¿O la mayoría en casa dentro de su casa?
¿Quieres jugar al campo?
¿O ansía el cálido abrazo de un cónyuge?
Cuando la música flota en el aire
¿Te hace querer bailar?
Haz que tu corazón late doble vez
¿Conducir con las manos?
La paternidad es un lugar que visitarás
¿O puede alejarse por una milla?
¿El arte mora en tu alma?
¿Estás enamorado de la moda y con estilo?
¿Quieres gobernar el mundo?
¿O simplemente su equipo de bolos?
Eres una niña que es un niño
¿O un niño que es una niña?
Saludas los días con alegría
¿O se aferran fuertemente al sueño ya los sueños?
Y tu eres quien
Pensaste que serías
En los días más jóvenes de la maravilla
Bombero astronauta
Cowboy o un policía de tráfico
Bailarina, enfermera, piloto de avión
Actriz, modelo, millonario
¿Y cómo llegaste de aquí a allá?
Se qualcuno ti ha chiesto chi sei
Cosa ti spingeresti a dire?
Direi loro dove lavori
O forse solo il tuo nome?
Sei il viaggiatore di distant shores
O più a casa all'interno della tua casa?
Vuoi giocare il campo?
O crampi per il caldo abbraccio di un coniuge?
Quando la musica galleggia nell'aria
Ti fa ballare?
Fai il tuo cuore battere il doppio tempo
Condurre con le tue mani?
La genitorialità è un posto che visiterai
Oppure volare via da un miglio?
L'arte abita nella tua anima
Sei innamorato della moda e dello stile?
Vuoi dominare il mondo?
O solo la tua squadra di bowling?
Sei una ragazza che è un ragazzo
O un ragazzo che è una ragazza?
Saluti i giorni con gioia
O aggrapparsi strettamente per dormire e sogni?
E tu sei tu
Pensai che saresti
Nei giorni più piccoli di meraviglia
Pompiere, astronauta
Cowboy o un poliziotto di traffico
Ballerina, infermiera, pilota aeroplano
Attrice, modello, milionario
E come hai fatto da qui a lì?
From Here to There / de aquí para allá / da qui a lì
Tulis commentsWhat a nice post!
ReplyWish you a nice day!
New post: http://www.milanotime.net/zaful-com-review/
Very interesting post!
ReplyLovely words my dear! such questions in you poem made me think so much of my entire existence. Reading you makes me think of what it's like to be more human
Replylove lots,
This is so lovely! Really love it!!
Reply♘ www.sugarpopfashion.com ♘
Interesting post.
Thank for your visit! Have a lovely Day! 😘😘😘
ReplyLove the first picture!
This is some thought provoking piece. I enjoyed reading. And thinking...
Reading your poem made me be more thoughtful. Sometimes we cannot tell who we really are because of that invisible wall, built by the fear of being judged or rejected. We always have countless worries and because of that, lot of stress that affect our health. How can we be more open and believe in ourselves more?
ReplyHave a lovely day, my dear friend1
Andraxela - Vox of Vanity
ReplyWish you a great sunday!
New post: http://www.milanotime.net/lantern-sleeve-top/
Son dibujos preciosos.
ReplyUn beso
Maggie Dallospedale Fashion diary - Fashion blog
nice! ;-)
Thank for your visit! Have a lovely Day! 😘😘😘
ReplyHave a lovely weekend,
very true words
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have an happy day, kisses
Thanks for your visit dear!
Very nice pics! Kiss 😘😘😘
ReplyLooking forward to your next post,
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