Hello and welcome to the 2nd half of my shots from my trip to the Chicago Art Institute. This round we feature, for the most part, the paintings. I will not attempt to assign each picture to an artist. As impressive as that might be, I am no art expert. I see a pretty picture, I photograph it. But I am unlikely to know the difference between Manet, Monet and Eddie Money. Above is a scene depicting Saint George and the Dragon.
Hola y Bienvenidos a la segunda mitad de mis fotos de mi viaje al Instituto de arte de Chicago. Esta ronda que destacamos, en su mayor parte, las pinturas. No voy a intentar asignar cada imagen a un artista. Tan impresionante como la que podría ser, no soy un experto de arte. Veo un cuadro, lo fotografío. Pero estoy poco probable saber la diferencia entre Manet, Monet y Eddie Money. Sobretodo es una escena que representa a San Jorge y el dragón.
And here is one of the Chagal windows at the museum.
Y aquí es una de las ventanas de Chagall en el Museo.
This was down the street from the museum but certainly qualifies as art.
Esto fue por la calle del Museo pero ciertamente califica como arte.
I bought this pretty Kashmir cat from the gift shop.
Compré este lindo gato Kashmir desde la tienda de regalos.
And saw but did not buy this. I enjoyed it for its simple message most of all. Certainly I am still learning.
Y vi pero no comprar esto. Lo disfruté más que nada por su mensaje simple. Sin duda todavía estoy aprendiendo.
So that is it for this time and this concludes my trip to the museum. A huge thank you and hug to those of you who have been so helpful in my quest to be brave and reach out. A few of you have been very sweet in responding to me and it has made me so happy. So on I will continue! Thank you all so much for visiting and I hope your week starts off wonderfully and full of love. Many hugs!!!
Así que eso es todo por esta vez y con esto concluye mi viaje al Museo. Un enorme gracias y abrazo a aquellos que han sido muy útiles en mi búsqueda a ser valiente y llegar. Algunos de ustedes han sido muy amables al responder a mí y me ha hecho muy feliz. Así sucesivamente que voy a seguir! Gracias tanto para visitar y esperanza que la semana comienza maravillosamente y lleno de amor. Muchos abrazos!!!!!!
Painting Spells / Hechizos de pintura
Tulis commentsQue bonito paseo, siempre se alimenta el alma cuando vemos arte, aunque no lo entendamos. Pero el arte alimenta nuestros sentidos. Saludos .
ReplySome of these paintings are breathtaking and look at the exquisite carved frames of the second and third !. I am sure all of them looked brilliant up close. Were they oil on canvas?
ReplyThe 'i am still learning' diary is adorable.
Love that Chagall window... does the Cashmere Cat have a name yet?
ReplyLove that Chagall window... does the Cashmere Cat have a name yet?
ReplyOoooh, lots of loveliness in here! I loved stained glass and the still lifes are fab! X
ReplyMarvellous artistic work!! Beautiful post
Que bonitos cuadros!!! siempre esta bien ver arte.
ReplyBuen post
these paintings look gorgeous
ReplyI posted a new article, I'd love to know your opinion
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fashion blogger pamela soluri
Un comentario tan dulce y verdadero. Gracias por compartir! Eres amable
ReplyHaha you are going to show my total ignorance of art when I say I think they are oil on canvas. I can say with full assurance and authority they were very pretty close up
ReplyYou know, oddly enough it does not. Hmmmm, a new puzzle to solve
ReplyThank you, sweetheart. I am very glad you enjoyed
ReplyThanks so much, dear lady. You make me smile
ReplyMuchos besos para ti, querida. Una tan buena y dulce comentaron
ReplyThanks so much, sweetie. I will check out your blog for sure
Replymasterpieces! I like to visit art galleries <3
ReplyI bet there are some wonderful ones in your area too
ReplyStreet art definitely qualifies as art too. Art is all-encompassing.
Replyhave a nice week!
See, paintings
You wanted paintings and here they are
ReplyThank you, gorgeous. You are so sweet
ReplyIt would be so lovely to hear from you. I promise to respond either here or on your blog.