Hello once again, lovely friends. Welcome back! Today I have a long overdue post featuring some of my favorite photos I have posted recently on Instagram. We begin, naturally, with Buddy intently stalking his favorite toy, bear on a string.
Hola una vez más, queridos amigos. ¡Bienvenido! Hoy tengo un post desde hace tiempo con algunas de mis fotos favoritas que he publicado recientemente en Instagram. Comenzamos, naturalmente, con amigo siguiendo atentamente su juguete favorito, oso en una cadena.
A couple of food selections; the top is a super food salad and the below is a chocolate chocolate chip muffin. I will let you imagine which one I actually ate :)
Un par de selecciones de comida; la parte superior es una ensalada de súper alimentos y a continuación es un muffin de chocolate con chispas. Voy a dejar que imaginar que uno realmente comí :)
Bright colors soothe and please me so much. Due to this, they are often featured such as these shots. The fruit chicken is my favorite :)
Colores brillantes calman y complacerme tanto. Debido a esto, a menudo se presentan como estas fotos. El pollo de fruta es mi favorito :)
Some outdoor selections featured here. The top is what you will see if you happen to drive into the state of Indiana. The bottom is both tranquil and forlorn, a mood I have been fighting with lately.
Presentamos algunas selecciones al aire libre. La cima es lo que verás si llegas a conducir en el estado de Indiana. El fondo es tranquilo y desolado, un estado de ánimo he estado peleando con últimamente.
I am sure some of my friends who love fashion may find these fascinating. I am a fan of the styles and the colors both.
Seguro que algunos de mis amigos amantes de la moda pueden encontrar estos fascinantes. Soy un fan de los estilos y los colores.
Randomness, pure and simple. My new Iron Man wall light up top and an angel sculpture I discovered while hiking the other afternoon.
Aleatoriedad, pura y simple. Mi nuevo muro de Iron Man luz superior y una escultura del ángel descubrí mientras la otra tarde senderismo.
And there I am still attempting to master the art form that is the "selfie". Thank you so much for stopping by to visit today. It is very appreciated. And thanks to all who have been so supportive on my quest, both here on the blog and on IG. The sweet, encouraging responses from some of you are very inspiring me and really help take the sting of rejection I have been meeting so much of. Thank you all so much! Hope you are having a wonderful weekend. Make sure and hug yourself for me, no, really, I mean it. You deserve it :) And now here is California to tell you goodbye :x)
Y allí todavía estoy intentando dominar esta forma de arte que es el 'selfie'. Gracias tanto por venir a visitar hoy. Es muy apreciado. Y gracias a todos los que han apoyado en mi búsqueda, tanto aquí en el blog y en IG. Los dulces, las respuestas alentadoras de algunos de ustedes son muy inspirarme y ayudar realmente a tomar el dolor del rechazo, me he reunido mucho. Gracias a todos muchas gracias! Espero que usted está teniendo un buen fin de semana. Asegúrese y abrazar a sí mismo por mí, no, en serio, en serio. Te lo mereces :) Y ahora, California decirte adiós: x)
Tulis commentsHi Sham, wow, very beautiful pics, you are so creative....love the cup cake, fruits and those lovely paintings but second last is my favorite! You look great with your phone! Have a nice Sunday <3
ReplyThe iron hand wall light is so amazing! Also love the colors you captured in the 9th picture from top. Hope you feel more
ful soon 
ReplyOf course you ate the chocolate chocolate chip muffin. I would choose that too. I love my greens but a chocolate muffin is always the chosen one over that. I remember Iron Man smashing through your wall. I felt it was really cool of him to visit.
ReplyIt's all in the recent news that taking selfie is a kind of mental disorder. We have many mad people in this world them!
Hug yourself for me too. I'm serious.
Hi dear!
ReplyMmm yummy food and cute Buddy
Buddy and Callie are so cute!! I love them! You do find such lovely this to look at- thank you for sharing all things bright and lovely (proving you do what it says on the tin!).
ReplyI like your selfie-peeping round the corner!!
Oh and i feel honoured you shared your age with me for the first time!!!
Didn't have you as that, thought you were nearer my age! (33)
I CAN'T believe you chose the cake over the amazing salad!!!!! ;-)
Que fotos tan bonitas!!! un buen post
Buddy and Callie are sooooo cute. I imagine you chose the chocolate muffin, I would too although I'm a bit of a salad freak too. The colours in the last two photos of the outdoor selection are lovely. Great pics.
Great shots Shamu love the colourful-ness of everything.
ReplyKrissie x - http://pearlsofstyle.blogspot.com.au
Oh thank you, sweet one. What a kind compliment! No one ever mentions my selfies too much. So kind!!! Hope your week starts off wonderfully
ReplyThank you so much, dear. Mood comes and goes but kind words like yours really help
ReplyMuffin = The devil and of course I chose it
So tasty!

ReplyIf selfies indicate madness I recommend you go crazy mad and selfie the crap out of us. Would be very welcome
Very warm hug delivered from you to me, dear. Thank you! Such a wonderful thought
Buddy tells you many thanks, sweetie
ReplyYes, that title is my measuring stick so I try and get there as much as possible
Been tempted to change it but too much of a hassle.
P ...or maybe not. Yum, muffin! Thank you darling. Such a sweet comment 
Reply33? Oh you do not look half that, sweetie. Such a doll!
Well, maybe I did pick the salad
Gracias a mucho, cariño. Es maravilloso que te visite
ReplyThank you, gorgeous! I wish I liked salads better. Never used to eat them at all and now sometimes so there is progress
ReplyOh you are so sweet, dear. So very kind of lovely you
Replygreat pictures, so many colors, kisses from Poland
ReplyThis view (landscape) is beautiful... say hey to your cute cat !
so stunning pictures
Replytr3ndygirl fashion blog
a big kiss
Hi Shamu, I'm sure you ate salad ;-) of course chocolate muffin, that's what I would do. I love cakes.

ReplyPictures are lovely, also big hello to Buddy.
Have a wonderful day, hug!
Thank you so much, dear. Glad you enjoyed it and kisses for you too
ReplySo sweet of you, darling. Consider the message passed
ReplyMany kisses for you too, gorgeous. Thanks!!!
ReplyThank you, lovely. You are very kind
ReplyThank you so much, dear. Cakes are the best for sure, good choice on your part too
Buddy greets you warmly in return with many purrs :x) Hope your week is fantastic and many warm hugs for you!
ReplyThank you, sweetie! Always glad to have you visit
Replynice pics!
ReplyI’m waiting for your opinion on my latest post!
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Kisses, Alice.
Wow! Thank you so much, gorgeous. You are just the sweetest lady
ReplyThank you dear. So sweet
ReplyAwww that is so kind. Thank you cutie
ReplyThank you darling!!!
Replylove your cat`s pic and those fashion illustrations!
fruit chicken! Love all your pictures, particulary the fashion drawings and the equally lovely Buddy and Miss Pickles
ReplySo sweet of you, gorgeous. You are amazing
ReplyHaha fruit chicken rules
Thanks so much, darling!
ReplyIt would be so lovely to hear from you. I promise to respond either here or on your blog.