My quest
So simple
So driven by
To those
Too busy
Too lazy
Too afraid.
My self
So determined
Not to bend
Not to be
Anyone's version of me
But my own
Damn the cost
Accepted or crushed
As me
Always a victory.
Scratched the surface
Of a few golden idols
To find within
Only empty hearts of tin.
Plunged arms in water
Appearing deep
To share my new found bliss
They return
Dry beyond the wrist.
And yet
When I can raise my eyes
From those not worthy
Of my gaze
Of my praise
Shake the fury
And awful pain
Of rejection's bite
From my so strong heart
In those moments
Tender drops of light
Fall as a gentle rain.
For this quest
Is but a harvest
Pruning out decay and rot
Reaping only the best of crops.
For some have seen the love I hold
As something wonderful
They adore how bold
And brave
I have dared to be
They adore this finally discovered
To those who still stand at my side
To those whose arms were open wide
To those who take me as I am
To those who accept this wounded man
This clumsy, awkward, challenging, loving soul
You warm me in the cold
Whether with the smallest spark
Or a roaring flame
Because of your compassion
I will never be the same
Never live in shame
Feel no need
To change
Mi búsqueda
Así de simple
Entonces impulsado por
A los
Mucho miedo.
Mi autoestima
Tan decidida
Que no se plieguen
No quiero ser
La versión de mí
Pero mi propia
¡ Maldito el costo
Aceptado o trituradas
Como yo
Siempre una victoria.
Arañado la superficie
De unos ídolos de oro
Para encontrar dentro de
Sólo corazones vacíos de estaño.
Brazos sumergidos en el agua
Apareciendo profundo
Para compartir mi felicidad nueva
Seca más allá de la muñeca.
Y sin embargo
Sin embargo
¿Cuándo puedo criar a mis ojos
De los que no son dignos
De mi mirada
De mi alabanza
Sacuda la furia
Y el horrible dolor
De la mordedura del rechazo
Desde mi corazón tan fuerte
En esos momentos
Tiernas gotas de luz
Caen como una lluvia suave.
Para esta búsqueda
No es más que una cosecha
Poda de decadencia y putrefacción
Cosechando solamente el mejor de los cultivos.
Algunos han visto el amor que tengo
Como algo maravilloso
Adoran cómo negrita
Y valiente
Me he atrevido a ser
Esto finalmente descubrió la adoran
Para aquellos que siguen en pie a mi lado
A aquellos cuyos brazos fueron abierta
A aquellos que aceptarme como soy
A aquellos que aceptan este hombre herido
Esta alma torpe, torpe, desafiante, amorosa
Me calientas en el frío
Ya sea con la menor chispa
O un fuego rugiente
Debido a su compasión
Nunca seré el mismo
Vivir en la vergüenza
No hay necesidad de sentir
Para cambiar
The Harvest / La Cosecha
Tulis commentsLovely poem. I like your blog ;)
ReplyMy self
ReplySo determined
Not to bend
Not to be
Anyone's version of me
But my own I love that particular statement
always love your poem and these picures are gorgeous
Replyfashion blogger pamela soluri
have a nice day and thanks for your comment
Muy bonito
Twitter / tumblr/ instagram: @fashionrlounge
A chic kiss ;)
To those who still stand at my side
ReplyTo those whose arms were open wide
To those who take me as I am
To those who accept this wounded man
This clumsy, awkward, challenging, loving soul
You warm me in the cold
Whether with the smallest spark
Or a roaring flame
Because of your compassion
I will never be the same
Never live in shame
Feel no need
To change
Incredible...marvelous and beautiful! I love entire poem but this part is my favorite..especially 'To those who take me as I am' is just beautiful! This line touched my heart! Another fabulous poem...thanks for it Sham! Have a beautiful day!
You are so sweet, dear. Thanks so much
ReplyYou are yourself too, sweetie. That is so admirable and inspiring
ReplyAwwww, how kind of you. Thanks so much, gorgeous
ReplyMuchas gracias, querida. Eres tan hermosa y amable
ReplyYou are so amazing and inspiring to me, dear. Such kind, thoughtful words. Very sweet of you
You have an amazing day too!
Replyhave a nice week-end!
amazing. Have a great weekend
hi shamu,i repass
Replythanks for your comment
----> fashion blogger pamela soluri <----
have a nice weekend
thanks for the comment
Twitter / tumblr/ instagram: @fashionrlounge
A chic kiss ;)
These words are so deep and seem to have so much feeling. Have a great Sunday
My self
ReplySo determined
Not to bend
Not to be
Anyone's version of me
But my own
As they always say that there is always 3 sides to every story --yours, mine and the truth--, I believe that it is the same for the representation of who ME is, as in others, who you think you are and who you really are. Be happy with the version that you are.
Scratched the surface
Of a few golden idols
To find within
Only empty hearts of tin.
Some people are just like that. I'm sure the tin and gold parts of you are the opposite.
I'm there beside you buddy! X
ReplyThank you, dear. Your blog is very pretty. Of course I can follow you
ReplyThanks for the kind words, sweetie. Enjoy your Monday
ReplyThank you, gorgeous. So kind
ReplyYou are welcome, dear. Thank you for the kind words and the visit
ReplyOf course, dear. And the same to you
ReplyThanks, brother. I appreciate your visit
ReplyIndeed, dear, so much feeling behind them. Thanks for taking the time to check them out
ReplyYou are so sweet, dear. My gold I sadly am too shy to share so much of the time. This quest of mine is the first step towards trying to get better about that. Kindness and encouragement such as yours has been a huge help. Thank you so much, sweetie
ReplyI can feel you right there, dear. Thank you
Replyyou should be so proud of yourself, for the writing talent that you have and the amount you've achieved in pursuing changes in your life that you've wanted in the time that I 've known you, well done
ReplyYou have been a big part of that darling, and I thank you so much
ReplyIt would be so lovely to hear from you. I promise to respond either here or on your blog.