The church I attend is quite a unique one. Honestly it would have to be to suit me :) It is called The Garden and meets in an old mansion now rented out mostly for wedding receptions.
In the first photo, you will notice a little perk that makes the church experience even better.
Yes, all the donuts and bagels one could wish for lay spread across several tables for all to enjoy. Oh, wait, now I seem very shallow. Well....this probably won't help either then :)
Another fantastic thing about the church is the music. There is a wonderful band with guitars and drums, just 3 fellows and then a mix of different singers. And the music goes from 60's nostalgia to contemporary radio tunes. Above you will see Journey, Jason Mraz and Kung Fu Fighting.
And last week we had a Billy Joel tune, Lean On Me and a Metallica ditty which was sung by the preacher. You will also see we feature videos that help with the message. One Sunday they were all from Kung Fu Panda 2.
There are usually sheets in the bulletin that help preview the message for the day along with a Bible quote from a very, very modern translation. For example, when Jesus told Peter he would deny Him, in this version, Peter told Jesus not to worry because "I got your back." Which is almost as out of place as some of the dialogue from that last Star Trek movie but much more cute.
And I lead off with all of that to get to this, the real reason I find myself enjoying this church so much. It is exactly on target for where I am at. Check out those core values. Those are the focus of my life. Not a bunch of "gotcha" rules, not judging one another, but love and acceptance, tolerance, compassion, joy. I can feel comfortable being myself in this place, feel OK about being someone who doesn't feel the need to do things like everyone else. It is one of the reasons I like blogging so much and commenting on other blogs. The freedom to be me without worrying about how its received. Because I know, with no doubt, my words are written with love as their only motivation. I have no agenda other than to encourage, praise, comfort, share. I have nothing to sell, no need for a date, not trying to get 1000 blog followers. I am only, always speaking from my heart and it makes me so happy on those rare times when someone gets that, and appreciates that. But I have wondered off point, which I haven't done for a while so I was WAY past due :)
This is the room the service is held in. It is very lovely. And, guess what, it happened yet again...
California "Callie" Pickles decided to crash another of my photo shoots telling me it is time for bed.
And how can anyone resist that cute face :) So off to bed I go. Hope you enjoyed my Donut Church post. You are all, of course, welcome if you are ever in the neighborhood. Just don't try and take my powdered sugar donut :) Such a wonderful bunch you are and such a lucky blogger I am to have you guys here :)
Donut Church
Tulis commentsAs always donut church leaves me a little speechless...the only thing I can think to say is that prior to this I always imagined your pastor as a fairly young guy, and now all I can envision is the Dunkin Donuts " time to make the donuts" guy. What's that about?
ReplyWhy? Why? Why is your church so cool??? I mean, the free food and the smashing music on top of all the values they teach, the words of the bible in an easy-to-grasp manner. This is such a lovely little place to feel just like yourself with God.
ReplyI forgot to add, I burst out laughing when I saw your kitty's tail across the photo. That's so cute.
Replyhaha funny cat ;) he likes to be the star !
What an amazingly fun church. This is the very first time I've ever heard of anything like it. It must be so much fun to go to the services.
Stan, the pastor, looks 30 even though he is 40 plus, and, if he ate a donut it would show up on him like a snake eating a bunny. He's just THAT skinny, Time to make the praying.
ReplyIt feels so comfortable and nurturing, perfect for someone trying to grow and explore. Maybe one day we can get you in there
ReplyShe is a funny feline, always has her nose in your business just like a kitty should
ReplyCallie will not hardly ever let me take a picture of her but, when something else is getting photographed, she likes to run in and crash the party. Silly cat! :x)
ReplyThe whole experience really is enjoyable. We learn things but through very gentle and interesting ways. Its all about love and acceptance which are my 2 biggest things.
Replyhmm, the donut church looks delicious
Hi dear!
ReplyInteresting post, that donuts seems delicious
Have a chair with your name on it anytime you feel like stopping by sweetie
ReplyHello there beautiful one
Oh yes, indeed, those are some VERY tasty donuts. The bakery is superb.
ReplyI can't resist so cute!
ReplyI could leave the exact comment on all your blogs sweetie
Thanks for coming by!
Replyoh donut! looks soo yammy!
Inside and Outside Blog
Oh they are VERY tasty and hard to resist. Sometimes wish they were carrot sticks instead
ReplyIt would be so lovely to hear from you. I promise to respond either here or on your blog.