Greetings lovely ones :) For today's post I took some shots of a few of the CD's in my collection. I was planning to do record albums but they are at the bottom of my closet and would require much more effort than I want to make right before bedtime :) Above, my 2 favorite bands, Queen and The Rolling Stones. Multiple CD's, albums, cassettes of both, even symphonic versions of their hits. One blog sometime soon will be all about Queen in particular as they made a huge impact on my early life.
Going back a little further, I have plenty of music from Frank, Dean and Judy, along with their associates. Spent last Valentine's Day having an excellent Sinatra impersonator serenade my ladyfriend and I over a lovely dinner. Tres romantique :)
I am also quite a fan of world music and always like to hear new stuff from different corners of the globe. These are 2 of my favorites. I have often cranked the Bavarian yodeling tunes while driving around on a nice day and the performers on African Guitar are all totally brilliant. Soft, strong, perfect tunes. You can tell it has traveled with me quite a lot :)
Of course, when it comes to guitar, there are many masters, but these 2 above are certainly in my top 5. Innovative and creative, talent unbounded.
I was watching Austin Powers tonight for what is probably the 9th or 10th time and there was Burt Bacharach (yeah, baby!) And Tom Jones has been a favorite of mine forever, just the epitome of suave and cool. Grew up always wanting to be more like Tom Jones and even dressed up as him one Halloween.
I do also listen to quite a bit of new music as well and really enjoy so much of it. Of course, now buying CD's is silly as everything is a download. But these were a few of my more recent purchases. Anything by BEP is good with me, such lively, smart, well-produced ditties. And Mr. Adam Lambert, I could listen to him sing the recipe for pound cake and be entertained. Best voice since Freddie Mercury.
A couple of outliers in my collection include my great fondness for a Strauss waltz and Shatner's schmaltz.
I will leave you with the above screenshot from a (very) small part of the music I have on my computer to give you an idea of the variety. I so enjoy setting it to shuffle and hearing how the songs work with and against each other in different orders.
Wishing you all such happiness, joy and peace. And thank you so much for visiting. Means SO much to me.
See Deez
Tulis commentsSuch a cool pieces!
ReplyNice variety in music! Definitely agree with you about Adam Lambert. Love his voice!
ReplyThe Dragonfruit Diaries
Thanks so much, sweetie. Wonderful to have you stop by
ReplyHi Senator--So you have great taste in music as well as thrifting and college majors
Why am I not surprised 
Replythat post it´s different and greattt great great!!!!!
Replyim your new follower!!!
great bloggg i love those blogs!!!
hope u can see my blog swell!
What a great variety of music. It's true, I at least haven't bought a CD in ages, what with Spotify now.
I love Burt Bacarach! think I just spelt his name wrong tho
and heart of gold by Neil Young is one of the best songs ever! I hadn't heard of Adam Lambert, will hae to look for him on Spotify
Replyyay! Black Eyed Peas! one of their singers Apl De Ap is a Filipino just like me!
Thank you for sharing and letting us take a peek at your SEE DEE collection. Some of you cd covers look so worn and dates which sorta make them cool. I don't have many cds to begin with and yes, you're right about how nobody buys cds anymore unless they want to support their idols. I usually listen to my music over youtube like what I'm doing now. I have an iPhone with no iTunes set up.
Replyso why do you suppose its all the schmaltz and ridiculous ones that I have in common with you? I actually have the Shatner in an album as well as Bacharach and Tom "whats new Pussycat?"Jones... I also have gotten a bit lit to many a Bavarian Yodeling tune in my college years... My thesis director was a little Bavarian lady named Greta who entertained the doctoral students at her home on occasion with much alcohol and yup you guessed it yodeling tunes...Nothing like a good old Bavarian drinking song!
Replycome to think of it ....nothing like a drunk doctor....
ReplyYou blog is quite wonderful too, dear. Following for sure
ReplyWait until I get my record albums out, lovely one. Bet you haven't bought one of those for a while
ReplyI hope you find and enjoy The Glambert, darling. He is a real gem. And nobody beatt Burt Bacharach, baby, yeah!!!!
ReplyWell, he's not as cute
ReplyI have yet to use my phone for music, but I am still in the dark ages using Itunes on my comp. CD's make great coasters however
ReplyI have dreams like that Great story. Long, blonde pigtails? Viking helmet? As far as a drunk doctor, somewhat depends on the situation. For yodeling, sure. For intricate brain surgery, well, probably sure then too.
ReplyThat lacy outfit i can rock it super bad. Now look at buddy in that first pic is so adorable--u guys look together.
ReplyThe pizza is yummy it makes think of the best one i have tasted--Chicken Pizza does it for me Always lookin out for your next post Rick
Thank you so much, sweetie. Always love your posts as well
And you could indeed wear that lacy dress to the very best of its use. Wow at the thought
Chicken pizza? Hmmmmmm
ReplyIt would be so lovely to hear from you. I promise to respond either here or on your blog.