Monday, September 9, 2013

Glam 'Gram Jam

As that cute little pig takes flight so too does our weekly journey into the mystical realm of my Instagram.

Jewelry is occasionally part of the photo mix and those 2 shots really stood out for me this week.

Signs, signs, everywhere signs.  And the ones that tickle my fancy I take snaps of to share with my mighty 65 followers.

And along those lines, yes, indeed, it is time for many readers favorite feature on All Things Bright and Lovely---Cat Snaps!!!

First Miss California "Callie" Pickles, all attitude.

And then Mr. Boudreaux "Buddy" Sunshine

And now, Wooden Buddy!

And finally, Knit Buddy!

While at a fancy sporting goods store, I took pics of a couple of expensive tennies/trainers/sneakers (check local listings :D) as I know of at least one big fan of running who is a big blog supporter (Hola Birthday Girl :D)

And now a little randomness of art, fashion and flowers.

And, to close out for this week's episode, the obligatory "selfie" :D

That was an amazing mirror by the way.  So wonderful of you to stop by and visit.  Thanks SO much for the comments on my last post as I was nervous about making it.  Your support was fantastic.  Lots of love and sweetness.  Hope your week is starting out fun-tastic.  Lots of long hugs and happy wishes sent your way :)


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Glam 'Gram Jam
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Tulis comments
September 10, 2013 at 3:39 AM

Great collection of photos. Love the signs and that last photo of Buddy is sooooo cute.

September 10, 2013 at 4:59 AM

Miss Carlifornia is a real thing in those pics-- That attitude would take her places lol

I love the necklaces especially the stoney one.

September 10, 2013 at 9:29 PM

Thank you so much, Sweet Amy. Buddy says the same about you :x)

September 10, 2013 at 9:30 PM

She is trying to audition for a role as stunt double of Grumpy Cat for his upcoming film. She has the look down pretty well. You should here how she squawks her attitude with meowing as well

September 11, 2013 at 3:44 PM

Wow buddy looks like a kid in that last shot. how old Is he anyway ?skip wants to know.

September 11, 2013 at 9:11 PM

Buddy is 2 but he says he feels not a day over 1.

September 11, 2013 at 9:12 PM

Everybody loves a good cat pic, unless you're super allergic Ah-CHOOO!!!

September 12, 2013 at 4:26 AM

OHHHHHHH! He IS just a baby! I came back to look at the stained glass piece... I am fascinated by how they got the lines in the glass without ending them...know what I mean? Like her chin for example... I have made a few pieces and that sort of thing is really very difficult to do...maybe because I am such a novice and suck at it?! But usually I have to end the piece of glass to get the cut right... like that swirl in her hair had to be tough...hmmmmm....gonna have to ask the person who taught me.


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