Friday, September 13, 2013

I Give You Fever

Featured above is my favorite sports team, The Indiana Fever of the Women's National Basketball Association.  Tonight was free poster night at the game and it is tres glorious :)

The games always begin very sweetly, with handshakes and even hugs sometimes.

And then it is down to business.  No more friendships, just the battle.

They fly up and down the court, often heedless of their own safety, launching themselves skyward in hope of scoring a basket.

Reserves are sent in to bring rest.

There is plenty of pushing...

knocking into one another...

coaches protesting...

and the players often find themselves on the floor.

But then they gather together to plan and encourage.

With this as the ultimate prize.

They have a funny, rascally mascot named Freddy Fever.  I call him a "whozitz" as he is of unknown origin.

You guys remember my ladyfriend from a few posts ago, right?  My 22-year-old, professional-basketball-playing soul-mate?  Give the nice people a wave dear.

Of course, not my ladyfriend, but Layshia Clarendon, a very sweet woman with some great basketball skills.  Sharing the below again because I can and because it almost has relevance here :)

And, to close this out with a metaphorical slam dunk (which there are few of in women's basketball), here is a small bit of video from tonight's game to give you a better idea of it.

I really appreciate you checking out my sports-y post.  People think geeks don't like sports but I find the opposite to be the norm instead.  Both geeks and sports fans like dressing up in the costumes of their heroes after all :)  I hope you all have a wonderful week.  I am exhausted and headed to sleep looking forward to happy dreams of my very dear readers :)


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I Give You Fever
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Tulis comments
September 14, 2013 at 1:01 AM

I feel like I'm watching the basketball game with you. Freddy Fever??? OMG. He looks like one of those monster puppets from Sesame Street.

September 14, 2013 at 9:56 AM

Im with Jo I was wondering the origins of the Fred man??? Any thoughts?

September 15, 2013 at 6:53 AM

those girls are really brave to play basketball! I mean, physically they can anytime be hurt!

September 15, 2013 at 11:42 PM

Did they win??
Haha, looking at this makes me miss my high school basketball team. Such great times out on the court! Its an intense game but the aggressive spirit of teamwork and determination are so rewarding

The Dragonfruit Diaries

September 16, 2013 at 12:41 PM

Great re-cap of the game. Unfortunately I'm not a big basketball fan although I must admit I was on the school team when I was 10, but it didn't last very long, too rough!!! hahaha.

September 17, 2013 at 11:19 PM

He is always up to something too. He likes to hang small children upside down and swing them around, he rides a little scooter around, he shoots tee shirts into the crowd from a big cannon. Just general fun mayhem.

September 17, 2013 at 11:21 PM

Freddy was loosely based on a character from a James Joyce novel. I believe his name was Fred LeFevre, and he was all Id, causing havoc in the lives of anyone who crossed his path, oblivious to the damages he was creating. No, made all that up, no clue.

September 17, 2013 at 11:22 PM

They do get hurt quite a bit. Sometime they bleed, sometimes they pull muscles, can get pretty rough. The are not soft girly girls, these are warriors indeed.

September 17, 2013 at 11:22 PM

Thanks, sweetie. Yes, it is always wonderful to go to the games. A great energy in that place.

September 17, 2013 at 11:23 PM

Yes, we managed to win with a small margin. And now we need some basketball action shots of the senator on her blog. It is a great game to teach those qualities you mention and so much fun to watch.

September 17, 2013 at 11:25 PM

I cannot imagine you playing basketball now, but so cute that you did it back then. You have the running part down very well But can you still shoot? The hoop is closer now that you are taller

September 18, 2013 at 3:27 PM

I couldn't shoot then and I wouldn't even try now. I used to run away from the ball, in case it hit me and I got hurt hahahah. I used to sit on the bench quite a lot.

September 18, 2013 at 9:22 PM

Well maybe you can do a fashion shoot in a basketball uniform to fully close that chapter of your life Yes, those do hurt when they hit you in the head. I enjoy rebounding more than shooting. It's like doing geometry really fast and then running


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