Monday, March 31, 2014

The Vinyl Countdown / El Vinyl Countdown

Hello lovely ones!  Welcome back to ATBAL.  Today I am featuring some of the records I had as a young lad.  For example, above we have a book and record of Jules Verne's "20,000 Leagues Under the Sea."  The record played a narration of the story mixed with special effect noises.  And the listener would read along as it went.  The illustrations for these were usually amazing, mostly because they came from Disney.

Hola hermosa unos! Bienvenida a ATBAL. Hoy yo estoy 

con algunos de los expedientes que tenía como un 

muchacho. Por ejemplo, que tenemos sobre un libro y

 un registro de '20.000 leguas bajo el mar.' de Jules 

Verne El registro jugó una narración de la historia

 mezclada con sonidos de efectos especiales. Y el 

oyente leería a lo largo como se fue. Las ilustraciones 

de estas fueron generalmente increíbles, sobre todo 

porque venían de Disney.

Here are a few more of the Disney ones:

Aquí están unos cuantos de los queridos de Disney:

And, yes, I quite enjoyed Heidi.  It is certainly not a story just for girls.  A little more on the cartoon front we have these records:

Y, sí, me gustaba a Heidi. Ciertamente no es una historia solo para chicas. Un poco más en el frente de dibujos animados tenemos estos registros:

I had quite a few holiday albums as well.

Tuve unos cuantos álbumes de vacaciones también.

And even a few superhero ones such as this classic:

E incluso unos superhéroes que como este clásico:

These recordings passed so much time for me and taught me so much.  It is part of the appreciation I have for art today as well as language and music.  In closing, a story I related to when perusing these today; The story of Tigger.

Estas grabaciones pasaron mucho tiempo para mí y me enseñaron muchas cosas. Es parte de la apreciación por el arte de hoy así como lengua y música. Para terminar, una historia I relativos a cuando estas leyendo hoy; La historia de Tigger.

Tigger was such an exuberant, loving, excitable fellow that every time he saw his friends he was so filled with joy.  This excitement was rarely shared and certainly never at the same level.

Tigger era un hombre tan exuberante, cariñoso, excitable que cada vez que vio a sus amigos que estaba lleno de alegría. Esta emoción raramente fue compartida y ciertamente nunca en el mismo nivel.

His friends, annoyed by all his mirthful attention, devised a plan to rid Tigger of this joy, of his "bounce."

Sus amigos, molesto por toda su atención alegre, idearon un plan para deshacerse de Tigger de esta alegría, de su 'bounce'.

And the, being the true friends they were, they realized how foolish they were being.  Tigger's bounce was a wonderful blessing in their lives once they actually stopped being so fearful and selfish; when they actually looked at him with love.

As some of you know, I have been on a mission to share the joy and admiration I have for certain people who visit me here and on Instagram.  Sadly, a few have tried to rid me of my bounce, not cruelly, but certainly not kindly.  My last 2 poems were a reaction to that.  Happily, I have had some equally positive experiences during my quest with people finding my bounce quite wonderful and something to celebrate.  To those people I send giant heaps and piles of thanks.  Your poems are yet to come :)

Thank you all for visiting.  I appreciate each and every one of you!  Big hugs for you and the warmest of wishes.

Y, siendo los verdaderos amigos que eran, se dieron 

cuenta que estaban siendo una tontería. Rebote de 

Tigger fue una bendición maravillosa en sus vidas una 

vez que de hecho dejaron de ser tan temerosos y

 egoísta; Cuando en realidad miraron a él con amor.

Como algunos de ustedes saben, he estado en una

 misión para compartir la alegría y la admiración que 

tengo para ciertas personas que me visitan y en

 Instagram. Lamentablemente, algunos han tratado de

 librarme de mi despedida, no cruel, pero ciertamente no

 amablemente. Mis dos últimos poemas fueron una 

reacción a eso. Felizmente, he tenido algunas 

experiencias igualmente positivas durante mi misión

 con gente encontrando mi despedida absolutamente 

maravilloso y algo para celebrar. A la gente enviar 

gigantes montones y montones de Gracias. Sus poemas 

están aún por venir :)

Gracias por visitar. Agradezco a todos y cada uno de 

ustedes! Abrazo para ti y la más cálida de deseos.


Related Post

The Vinyl Countdown / El Vinyl Countdown
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Tulis comments
March 31, 2014 at 5:15 PM

OMG, I had all these stories too, when I was a little girl, except the super hero ones. Totally loved them all. I have passed on all my story books to my little niece of three years old and she loves my brother to read her the stories. I still have my Winnie the Pooh cuddly bear. hahaha

March 31, 2014 at 6:58 PM

yay! I used to watch Heidi during my elementary days

April 1, 2014 at 8:31 AM

It's really sweet that you have still retained all those comic books from your childhood with so much love. Whenever feeling low, these souvenirs from days gone by can definitely us up

April 1, 2014 at 10:16 PM

cute! i like illustrations in children`s books!I`ve read many of your books in my childhood (on English!)

April 2, 2014 at 2:15 AM

Beautiful post!

April 2, 2014 at 1:48 PM

Hallo there!!! I seem to have been a bit too busy to visit this week (been at the hospital, out swing dancing, getting work done blahdiblah!) but what a fun post to come back on!! Love all these- reminds me SO much of when i was a little girl and when we went to our grandparents, they bought us these book and cassette stories (am I slightly younger than you hence why you were a vinyl one? How old are you?!) and we ALWAYS listened to them when we went over there! Oh how I loved them. I wonder if my Grandad still has them!?!?! x

April 2, 2014 at 4:09 PM

Nice that you still have these !

I don't understand at all why people would be so mean to you... but I'm proud of you cause you keep trying ;) Good Job !

April 2, 2014 at 10:13 PM

I can totally see you with your Pooh, dear. So sweet xoxo

April 2, 2014 at 10:14 PM

It is actually a very manly, macho tale you know

April 2, 2014 at 10:14 PM

Thanks so much, dear. Very kind

April 2, 2014 at 10:15 PM

I have so few memories from that time in my life these are sort of touchstones to at least a few of them

April 2, 2014 at 10:15 PM

English? Really? That is amazing! I love how universal some of these stories are. It is a small world after all

April 2, 2014 at 10:16 PM

Thank you so much! So wonderful to have you visit

April 2, 2014 at 10:18 PM

You know those vampire chaps in the Twilight movies? I am much older than them My children's books were cave paintings I am a fun and flirty 44 which is the first time I have ever given my age on here so feel special. Glad these brought back some fond memories. I know you are having a tough time right now and to think I brought you a moment of brightness is wonderful

April 2, 2014 at 10:20 PM

Sweet friend! I find it is just some people are not as open and laid back as you, as accepting and kind. I want friends I can say anything to and they merely chuckle at whatever they consider the worst of it. These people are just not interested and that is sad but it will be OK. The best will always stay

April 6, 2014 at 7:59 AM

Our books didn't come with recordings. I always had to read it in my mind and imagine everything. I love these books. Thanks for sharing them. Some of these evergreen ones brought back memories.

I love the story of Tigger that you shared. As a child, I could never appreciate Winnie the Pooh cartoons as they were usually slow-moving with words that do not quite make sense to a child. However, as I grew older, I found the words simple and beautiful. The themes too. They were really complex for a child to understand but in retrospect, all these themes and representations make so much sense!

April 6, 2014 at 8:35 PM

Yes, as a child I just remember Tigger jumping around and Eeyore being so sad. Working on going from one to another

April 11, 2014 at 4:12 AM

I had some like this, read along books with a tape, I wish I'd kept them.


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