Hello you amazing person, you! Four wonderful art pieces have come my way this holiday season that I would like to share with you in hopes someone might find inspiration or encouragement in them as I have. Above is a paperweight with a beautiful phrase; "Respond to every call that excites your spirit." So perfect for me as that is a big goal for me, try and act as my heart leads me, follow what excites me, do not let fear keep me from reaching out to get it, do not let the fears of others stop me.
Hola un increíble persona, usted! Cuatro maravillosas obras de arte han llegado mi camino esta temporada de vacaciones que me gustaría compartir con ustedes con la esperanza de que podría encontrar la inspiración o estímulo en ellos como yo. Lo anterior es un pisapapeles con una bella frase; "Responder a cada una de las llamadas que estimula el espíritu." Así que es perfecto para mí, ya que es una gran meta para mí, tratar de actuar como mi corazón me lleva, seguir lo que me entusiasma mucho, no deje que el miedo me llegar a obtener, no deje que los temores de otros.
This too shall pass, as the old saying goes. An eternal truth that even the most destructive, painful experience will one day be behind you. All anyone asks of you as you travel through the darkest parts of you life is that you simply hold on.
Esto también pasará, como dice el viejo refrán. Una verdad eterna que incluso los más destructivos, dolorosa experiencia será un día detrás de usted. Todos a nadie le pide que viaje a través de las partes más oscuras de tu vida es que usted sólo tiene que mantener.
This colorful globe reminds us of the importance of exploring. Explore your world, explore yourself, fully and honestly. And be ready to accept whatever you find waiting for you along the way.
Este colorido mundo nos recuerda la importancia de explorar. Explorar su mundo, explorar, completamente y honestamente. Y estar dispuestos a aceptar lo que encuentres te espera en el camino.
So important for me! No matter the judgement, fear and shame people try and hurt me with, try and poison me with, I must stay on the path, my path, walking at my speed, going where I am meant to be, trust the journey to me.
Thank you all for the very sweet comments on my last poem! You all know how to make me smile :) Many hugs and best wishes for an amazing week!
Tan importante para mí! No importa el juicio, el miedo y la vergüenza la gente trata de lastimarme con, probar y envenenarme con, debo quedarme en el camino, mi camino, caminando a mi velocidad, a dónde me estoy destinado a ser, confía en el viaje me.
Gracias por los comentarios sobre mi último poema muy dulces! Todos sabéis cómo hacerme sonreír :) Muchos abrazos y mis mejores deseos para una semana increíble!
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Fantasy and make believe is a vital part of life, enjoy it / Fantasía y hacer creer que es una parte vital de la vida, disfrutalo |
Fantastic Four / Cuatro Fantásticos
Tulis commentsEs así, a mi también me gustaría ir donde el corazón me lleve.
ReplySuch some wonderful art pieces, so unique and bright! Love the captions you have written under them. Great post. Have a happy Monday <3
ReplySo interesting
Beautiful post...!
happy new year honey!!
Beautiful art pieces!
ReplyObsessed Fashion Blog
Wonderful pieces and pics! So unique and great!! I wish you all the best for 2015!!
♘ www.sugarpopfashion.com ♘
Hello , this post it's great !
ReplyDo you want to follow each otcher?:)
Hi Rick
Replyamazing pics
Maggie D.
Fashion Blog Maggie Dallospedale fashion diary
great post dear
ReplySo interesting
Lovely art pieces and lovely words. xoxoxo
Reply"Trust the journey", I guess it s exactly my point ;)
ReplyO, very interesting :)
ReplyLovely post! :)
ReplyI would like to invite you to my blog! I would be so happy if we support each other on GFC, Bloglovin and Facebook!
Do it and let me know! xx
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meencanta la paleta de colores, son muy inspiradores <333333
Replygracias por compartirlo connosotros :*
que tengas un maravilloso dia :)
un besito
have alovely day
Hi dear!!
ReplyWow great post, you always have amazing ideas
Who is after you with fear and shame, let me at em!?? Did you receive these as gifts? They're pretty cool and of course bright and lovely (and coloyrful)- tis only what i expect of ye, Shamu!
ReplyChe bel post, mi piace leggerti.
Such an amazing post!
Wonderful pictures and inspiring words, thank you!
Beautiful art pieces! I like the explanation with which you accompanied them.
Paola ♡
Unas imagenes preciosas!!! que artistico eres!!
ReplyEl blog de Renée
very lovely, very important to remember when you're going through lifes bumpy patches
ReplyPreciosa selección de imágenes. Un saludo,
ReplyHave a great day <3
ReplyIt would be so lovely to hear from you. I promise to respond either here or on your blog.