Hello there! How are you today? Guess what! This blog entry is number 300 for me. Way back on May 3rd, 2012 by first entry was posted and 299 later we come to this :) 3 years, 300 posts, the slow pace of a herd of worms compared to most of you :) I thought I would go back through and pull out some of the images from entries past that really represented the feeling of the blog. I only made it through the first 100 posts to gain the following pictures, but I had so many I had to stop. Step into the time machine with me and have a fun trip :)
Hola! Cómo estás hoy? Adivina que! Esta entrada de blog es el número 300 para mí. Tiempo atrás, el 3 de mayo de 2012 por primera entrada fue publicada y 299 más adelante llegamos a este :) 3 años, 300 puestos, el lento ritmo de una manada de gusanos en comparación con la mayoría de ustedes :) pensé que volvería a través y sacar algunas de las imágenes de las entradas pasado que realmente representa el sentimiento del blog. Yo sólo lo hizo a través de los primeros 100 puestos para ganar las siguientes imágenes, pero tenía tantos que tuve que parar. Entra en la máquina del tiempo conmigo y tener un viaje divertido :)
Any questions about any of those please let me know in the comments. Every one will be answered for this special post :) Thank you all so much for all the support you have given me through these 3 years. My very first follower was the very sweet and brilliant Amy at Toks .And somehow she has managed to put up with me the whole time and not leave :) I appreciate the time you all take to encourage me with your comments and your visits. Each of you add something wonderful to my life and I hope the time you spend here makes your a little better. Big hugs and kisses!
¿Una pregunta sobre cualquiera de los por favor hágamelo saber en los comentarios. Cada uno va a ser contestada por este post especial :) Gracias todos por todo el apoyo que me han dado a través de estos 3 años. Mi primer seguidor fue el Amy muy dulce y brillante en TOKS .Y alguna manera ha logrado aguantar a mí todo el tiempo y no dejar :) Agradezco el tiempo que todos llevaremos a animarme con sus comentarios y sus visitas. Cada uno de ustedes añadir algo maravilloso para mi vida y espero que el tiempo que pasa aquí hace que su un poco mejor. Grandes abrazos y besos!
300 Coins in the Fountain / 300 Monedas en la Fuente
Tulis commentsEl tiempo pasa volando verdad?? a veces miras las fotos y crees que fue ayer pero el tiempo pasa...
ReplyQue bonito el gato... !! Dentro de poco entrará en nuestra casa un gatito!! Yo y mi hija estamos deseando!! mi marido no tanto... ja ja ja
El blog de Renée
300 posts thats awesome
Replybuddy looks awesome
Felicitaciones Shamu, te ganaste el amor de tus seguidor@s con tu ternura y alegría.
ReplyPreciosas fotografías nos dejas en este post!
Besos para ti.
__________ «❈❈« «❈❈« __________
my question is how the cat lost the top of its ear...it must have been an interesting story! congrats on your 3 years of blogging...I've been blogging for about 3 and a half myself.
Replyhave a nice day!
OMG three years already?? Seems like yesterday. I remember many of these photos, especially the Buddy ones and those beautiful roses. Also the lighthouse. Now for the next three years. xoxoxo
Reply300 posts ? dammmn you're productive ! Buddy seems happy too : he's having a rockstar life (even if his dad walks around with smurf style)
ReplyHaha Yo creo que cuando él ve el gatito feliz y cómo su hija se hará que su corazón contento. Los gatos son mágicas como que :x) Muchas Gracias preciosa dama
ReplyI will take it that you found things totally awesome
P Thanks dears!
ReplyGrazie mille, tesoro! Le sue parole sono piene di amore e dolcezza. Tanti baci
ReplyBuddy was a feral cat and the cat shelter clips their ears like that to identify them. Buddy says it is a fashion statement though
Thank you so much, dear. Your comments really brighten my day, so sweet and fun!
ReplyI cannot believe it either! 3 more years?!?! I will be senile or deceased by then ;) Thank you so much for everything through the years, sweetie! xoxoxo
ReplyBuddy is a rock star indeed. Pawsy Osbourne or Mick Wagger perhaps. I am bringing back smurf style
Thank you so much, sweetie! Your acceptance and support and exactly what I had hoped to find when I started on here.
ReplyCongratulations dear for coming so far and for enjoying your sweet journey of blogging!! Love looking at your pictures and reading about what you post here!!
ReplyKeep in touch
Happy 300 Shamu! It always feels such an achievement to achieve such a landmark so well done! Such a fun selection of photos, Buddy does make me laugh-he's such a ham! Here's to the next 300,3000....
ReplyNice smile!!
ReplyOh, that's a nice number - 300! Congratulations, dear! When I became your follower I did browse your blog, starting with your first posts. Just wanted to know more about you and perhaps to understand you better. Back then you wrote more personal stuff than nowadays. And I hope you feel happier now. Love your kitty, he always has such amazing "face" expressions
ReplyAmazing style!
ReplyAlice Cerea,
Join this new blogger network, I'm waiting for you!
Estas fotos son adorables.
ReplyMe encanta tu gato.
un beso
Maggie Dallospedale Fashion diary - Fashion blog
great pictures, cute
ReplyI wish you an happy day darling
see my new post
<<< fashion blogger Pamela Soluri >>>
Thank you so much, sweetie! You have been a great friend to the blog and your words are always so wonderful!
ReplyBuddy is actually a cat, not sure if you thought he was a furry pig, oh wait, a different sort of ham ;)P Thank you lovely!
ReplyGracias guapa
ReplyYes, so much I wanted to get out back in olden days and yes, thank you, much happier now. I read my first poem again yesterday and was shocked how angry it was. Thank you so much for taking the time to peruse some of my older stuff. The essays may come back some day, I have a few subjects ready to go. Your support and kindness are greatly appreciated
ReplyThank you so much, sweetie! Enjoy your Friday
ReplyThank much lovely!
ReplyYou are very sweet! Thanks
ReplyLa ringrazio molto, molto bella Maggie. Spero che un giorno possiamo essere migliori amici. Sai TI adoro. Kisses
ReplyHappy day and many kisses for you, lovely! Thanks so much
ReplyEncantasa imagens arrasou como sempre, bom final de semana
Blog: http://arrasandonobatomvermelho.blogspot.com.br/
ReplyHi dear,there is a new post on my blog:
xx,Sara Elia SuriVintage.
Congratulation Sham, I'm very happy for your successful 3 year and 300 post(can't believe it) you are a great person and deserve all the success. Have a great weekend <3
ReplyI didn't know that...I won't contradict Buddy, so I will agree that it is a cute fashion statement
ReplyThis is so stunning! Great post dear.
Facebook / Bloglovin
Have a nice day handsome
ReplyKisses and happy friday
Maggie Dallospedale Fashion diary - Fashion blog
wow,congrats dear
Replygreat post as always
Thank you gorgeous friend!!
ReplyWonderful comments such as yours certainly help bring the love back to me. I am so elated to know you, you make my life better with your sweet words. I look forward to every comment so much. You are kind and accepting and wonderful! Kisses
ReplyThank you so much sweetie! Bom dia
ReplyYou are so sweet, dear! Thanks so much
ReplyYour comment is both very sweet and brings great relief
Thank you for being there for me and for all your acceptance. I hope one day we can talk. Enjoy your day!
ReplyYou are very sweet! Thanks so much
ReplyThanks so much, gorgeous! Kisses
ReplyThanks lovely ladies
ReplyThat photo of your cat with the wine glass and bottle just killed me LOL
ReplyHave a great day!
Miss Eleigh Neux | Bloglovin
wow its your 300th post already? wow ! Congrats to you!
ReplyJoin my giveaway
Que tengas un precioso fin de semana Rick.
Fashion Blog - Maggie Dallospedale Fashion diary
Passando pra ti deseja um dia maravilhoso e um ótimo
Replyfinal de semana.
Congrats on post #300 in 3 years!
ReplyThe thing I was very excited to scroll to the comment form to comment immediately was when I saw how long Buddy looks. I never knew he was soooooo long. And that drunken cat... that's not Buddy right? The black bear... I would freak out if I spotted one at such close range. We do not have bears in the wild here. Our wildest animal could be a WILD boar and sometimes the monkeys when they get too aggressive.
I still owe you an email. I will definitely respond so do wait for it. I've not been responding too many emails and I feel bad. I'm trying so hard to catch up on my blog too. In the meantime, I hope you have a lovely weekend!
Yes, I would always remember you said ewok kitty and I would just look at his stupid grumpy face and think he does look like an ewok in that shot. It's almost unreal how he looks!
You are so sweet! Thanks
ReplyThank you sweetie xx
ReplyAgressive monkeys...rarely a problem in my area. I am often bored but thankfully never boared
Thank you so much sweetie!
ReplyWhat a lovely blog and the cat is an absolute star
ReplyDarling you look amazing really! I just love this styling
mice post thanks for sharing!
ReplyNice post thanks for sharing
Congrats on your 300 posts! I'm only on my 9th or 10th I guess, so I still need 290 more to reach this milestone. I'm glad I found your blog.
ReplyIt would be so lovely to hear from you. I promise to respond either here or on your blog.