Previously in Revelations: Taken twice to witness the end of all things, our hero finally faces his destiny and accepts the task given him by a shining stranger: Protect the bloodlines of the two men that may one day bring hope for a new future.
Our hero and his young charge, Louisa, journey the streets of 18th century London as he shares information on his onetime friend, Georg, and how his life will affect her own...
Anteriormente en el Apocalipsis: toma dos veces para presenciar el fin de todas las cosas, nuestro héroe finalmente se enfrenta a su destino y acepta la tarea que le había dado un extraño brillante: Proteger las líneas de sangre de los dos hombres que algún día podría traer la esperanza de un nuevo futuro.
Nuestro héroe y su joven pupilo, Louisa, recorrido por las calles de Londres del siglo 18 como él comparte información sobre su amigo sola vez, Georg, y cómo su vida va a afectar su propia ...
And so we trod in silence
As moments and memories
Overwhelmed my thoughts
Stole my tongue
How dare I introduce more tragedy
To poor Louisa
Her wounds so fresh
And yet, how important that she know
For my story it makes so much sense
With the true, bleak frame of tears
And even at that same realization
Her small voice even smaller
Sensing, bracing for my words of woe
"Pray thee continue, kind sir
Hold not back the fate of sweet Georg
For already I feel such a fondness"
And her lovely eyes spoke it even louder
And so I spoke once more
"Being a boon companion
To dear, young Georg
Was eminently rewarding to us both
But being in the employ of his father
Was a constant test of my truly eternal patience
For he bore sweet Sophia
The beautiful, sweet mother of Georg
Nothing more than contempt
Many were the times I was witness
To his coldness towards her
To his many lovers he took
With rottenly poor attempts to even conceal them
For three years did I abide this wretched behavior
Shielding Georg with vicious vigilance
Watching dear Sophia sob quietly
Staring out the window as if waiting for rescue
As if waiting for anything
To relieve her of her suffering
And, after those three years
She yielded herself to a suitor
Who truly adored her
Who had courted her
For so long
Without either of them knowing it
A moment of compassion
Turned to a most raging passion
Like neither had ever known"
And then as Louisa moved to speak
Her cheeks red from more than cold
I realized I had forgotten my audience
But before I could curse my impropriety
The question I had neglected to consider
Emerged from this very bright girl
"Begging my pardon, kind sir
But how is is you are so familiar with this event?"
And then my cue to turn red, a small laugh before I spoke
"On this subject, I have already said too much
And it matters not to the remainder of these events
Let us leave it at I know
And move forward"
Which elicited soft giggles from my charge
That lit my heart with joy
Ah, but the next part
That damned next part
Y así nos pisábamos en silencio
Como momentos y recuerdos
Abrumado mis pensamientos
Robó mi lengua
¿Cómo me atrevo a presentarme más tragedia
Para pobre Louisa
Sus heridas tan fresco
Y, sin embargo, lo importante que ella sepa
Para mi historia que tiene mucho sentido
Con la verdad, marco sombrío de las lágrimas
E incluso en ese mismo ejercicio
Su pequeña voz aún más pequeño
Sintiendo, preparándome para mis palabras de la aflicción
"Ora te siguen, amable señor
Retener no respaldar la suerte de dulce Georg
Para que ya me siento un cariño como "
Y sus hermosos ojos hablaban aún más fuerte
Y así hablé una vez más
"Al ser un compañero de gran ayuda
Para querida, joven Georg
Fue eminentemente gratificante para ambos
Pero estar al servicio de su padre
¿Fue una prueba constante de mi paciencia verdaderamente eterna
Para llevaba dulce Sophia
La hermosa dulce madre de Georg,
Nada más que el desprecio
Muchas fueron las veces que estuve testigo
Para su frialdad hacia ella
Para sus muchos amantes tomó
Con los intentos pobres rottenly incluso ocultarlos
Durante tres años hice habito este comportamiento miserable
Blindaje Georg con vigilancia vicioso
Observando querida Sophia sollozar en silencio
Mirando por la ventana como si esperara rescate
Como si esperara nada
Para aliviar su de su sufrimiento
Y, después de esos tres años
Ella dio a sí misma a un pretendiente
Quien verdaderamente la adoraba
¿Quién la había cortejado
Por tanto tiempo
Sin que ninguno de ellos saberlo
Un momento de la compasión
Convertido a una pasión más que rabia
Al igual que tampoco nunca había conocido "
Y luego como Louisa trasladó a hablar
Tenía las mejillas rojas de más frío
Me di cuenta de que había olvidado mi público
Pero antes de que pudiera maldecir mi impropiedad
La pregunta que me había olvidado de considerar
Surgió a partir de esta chica muy brillante
"La mendicidad mi perdón, amable señor
Pero, ¿cómo es, es que son tan familiarizados con este acontecimiento? "
Y entonces mi señal para encender rojo, una pequeña risa antes de hablar
"Sobre este tema, ya he dicho demasiado
Y no importa que el resto de estos eventos
Dejémoslo en que sé
Y seguir adelante "
Qué provocado risitas suaves de mi cargo
Eso encendió mi corazón de alegría
Ah, pero la siguiente parte
Eso siguiente parte maldita
Revelations XV: The Sorrow of Sophia of Hanover / Revelaciones XV: La Pena de Sophia de Hanover
Tulis commentsThis is equally beautiful and mysterious Shamu!
Replylove lots,
QUe pases un hermoso fin de semana
Replyun beso
Maggie D.
Fashion Blog Maggie Dallospedale fashion diary
Me encanta, una vez mas me sorprendiste.
ReplyFeliz fin de semana
Fashion Blog Maggie Dallospedale fashion diary
things are getting more and more interesting...I like this story within a story concept. Very clever!
Bela postagem amei as belas palavras
beautiful.The pictures are lovely
ReplyAnother great poem dear
You really have a hidden talent there.

ReplyThis is awesome!
Much love and many thanks dear
ReplyAnd you as well sweet lady! Kisses
ReplyI like to keep you guessing dear
Have a great Sunday! Kisses
ReplyIts fun to tell the story in this manner. Not my original intention but it is working out OK. Thank you so much dear
ReplyGracias guapa amiga!!
ReplyThanks so much, gorgeous
ReplyThat is so sweet!! Thank you dear
ReplyAs are you, dear
Thank you so much!!
ReplyI really like you <3

ReplyCan you follow me? I follow you :*
If you comment my post, I will comment your five posts!
Wow! Amazing post
I really enjoyed this poetic session, maybe because I love writing and reading stories....
Replywish you a happy Sunday
Poor beautiful Sophia, who would judge her? Well, not me...Beautiful writing dear friend!
ReplyLove this! <3
This is beautiful. Happy Sunday.
ReplyHi dear
ReplyOh great, so interesting and full of mistery
Have a nice week Rick
Maggie D.
Fashion Blog Maggie Dallospedale fashion diary
Wow! Very interesting! I've been obsessing about theses things lately 😂
So sweet! Thank you
ReplyThanks so much, Fresh
ReplyThat is wonderful, thank you! I am having fun telling the tale
Happy Monday dear!
ReplyDespite your feelings on your comment I think it is very interesting and I love that you took the time to think about it so much. I appreciate that more than you can know, dear. Your heart is in the right place and that is one beautiful heart
ReplyAh, she was such a beauty and so full of love. A wonderful lady. Thank you so much, sweet lady! Your words are so comforting.
ReplyThanks so much! xoxo
ReplyThanks so much, dear
ReplyVery sweet of you, it does have misery and mystery. I think you invented a wonderful new word
ReplyThanks much, Gil, you too!
ReplyHappy week to you too, cream puff
ReplyReally? That is so cool! Thank you for the kind words dear
ReplyReally enjoyed this history session!
sometimes it is best to go with the gut feeling.
ReplySuch an interesting post my friend!!
ReplyKeep in touch
Nice post, dear friend! You are so talented and you chose the right pics for the post! Have an excellent day!
Have an adorable day Rick
Maggie Dallospedale Fashion diary - Fashion blog
It would be so lovely to hear from you. I promise to respond either here or on your blog.