Previously in Revelations: Taken twice to witness the end of all things, our hero finally faces his destiny and accepts the task given him by a shining stranger: Protect the bloodlines of the two men that may one day bring hope for a new future.
Our hero and his young charge, Louisa, journey the streets of 18th century London as she prepares to begin her unknown new life...
Anteriormente en el Apocalipsis: toma dos veces a presenciar la final de todas las cosas, nuestro héroe finalmente se enfrenta a su destino y acepta la tarea que le había dado un extraño brillante: Proteger las líneas de sangre de los dos hombres que algún día podría traer la esperanza de un nuevo futuro.
Nuestro héroe y su joven pupilo, Louisa, recorrido por las calles de Londres del siglo 18 mientras se prepara para comenzar su nueva vida desconocida ...
And so my tale began
With young Louisa bound to every beat
"Knowing that one day
One, some, unknown, day
I would be called
To guide an imperiled soul
One, some, unknown soul
From danger most dire
A task with which I was most unfamiliar
It seemed that practice was called for
And not just any simple individual
A challenge
And so I came to encounter the family Augustus
During a summer spent
Along the river Liene
As a resident of bustling Hanover
A jewel of German pride
The young wife, Sophia
A woman of wealth
Who valued it little
Her children her treasure
And so she had come to my door
Her young son Georg
Precocious, brilliant, endlessly curious
Outpacing all the teachers they could find him
And I, in this lifetime
Known as a brilliant, endlessly chatty
Man of letters
Being the bait
For just the sort of challenge I sought
And here, at last, was he
All of age 8 when first we met
Long curly brown hair, a cheeky smile
He tested me straight away
Dates, places, theories, strategies
Ah yes strategies most of all
For young George idolized
All the matters of war
And we became fast friends
As I shared several lifetimes of knowledge
Studied and experienced directly
He absorbed it all
His mind a sponge without limit
His curiosity unmatched
His heart big and kind
No living thing escaped his compassion
For three fantastic years
My life felt useful and full
But in much too little a time
Life would interrupt
And poor Georg would face
A lesson for which I could never have prepared him
A battle without strategy to win
Only total, stupid loss"
Y así comenzó mi historia
Con joven Louisa obligado a cada latido
"Sabiendo que un día
Uno de ellos, algunos, desconocido, día
Me gustaría ser llamado
Para guiar a un alma en peligro
Uno de ellos, algunos, alma desconocida
Desde peligro más grave
Una tarea con la que yo estaba más familiarizado
Parecía que la práctica fue llamado para
Y no cualquier persona sencilla
Un desafío
Y por eso he venido a encontrar a la familia de Augusto
Durante un verano pasado
A lo largo del río Liene
Como residente de la bulliciosa Hanover
Una joya del orgullo alemán
La joven esposa, Sophia
Una mujer de la riqueza
Quién valoraba poco
Sus hijos le tesoro
Y así había llegado a mi puerta
Su joven hijo Georg
Precoz, brillante, infinitamente curioso
Superando a todos los profesores que podría encontrarlo
Y yo, en esta vida
Conocido como un brillante, interminablemente hablador
Siendo el cebo
Para la clase de desafío que buscaba
Y aquí, por fin, era él
Todos los 8 años cuando nos conocimos
Pelo rubio brillante, una sonrisa fresca
Él me probó de inmediato
Fechas, lugares, teorías, estrategias
Ah sí, la mayoría de las estrategias de todos
Para el joven George idolatraba
Todos los asuntos de la guerra
Y nos hicimos amigos rápidamente
Como ya he compartido varias vidas de conocimiento
Estudiado y experimentado directamente
Absorbió todo
Su mente una esponja sin límite
Su curiosidad sin igual
Su gran corazón y tipo
Sin ser viviente escapó de su compasión
Durante tres años fantásticos
Mi vida se sentía útil y completa
Pero en demasiado poco tiempo
Vida interrumpiría
Y el pobre Georg enfrentaría
Una lección para los que nunca podría haberlo preparado
Una batalla sin una estrategia para ganar
Sólo total pérdida estúpida "
Revelations XIV: The Walk / Revelaciones XIV: El Paseo
Tulis commentsI feel sorry for Georg, for what he would have to face. Beautiful writing dear friend!
Replywow, the thoughts are really touching.
ReplyNew Post on my blog, do drop by soon ,<3
such a beautiful piece
Replywell written
Are working on a bok??? You should write a book man,this is awesome,Bing.
Oh I really love it honey!
ReplyAlice Cerea,
Fashion blogger Alice Cerea
Great post. Have a wonderful day
Replylovely poem!
ReplyRae | Love from Berlin
Hola Rick, la historia esta preciosa.
ReplyMe gusta mucho Lousa, su caracter es muy interesante
Un beso
Maggie Dallospedale Fashion diary - Fashion blog
Thanks so much!
ReplyYou are so sweet, thanks! And yes, poor Georg indeed, but oh what a life he led.
ReplyVery kind of you! Thanks
ReplyThanks so much! I hope yours is great too, dear! xoxo
ReplyI am so glad you liked it
Thanks so much!
ReplyThank you lovely, so sweet!
ReplyI am seriously thinking about collecting them once I tell the whole tale. Thank you for the very sweet encouragement!!!
ReplyThanks so much, doll! You are sweet
ReplyThanks and you too
ReplyVery sweet of you!! Thanks so much
ReplyA big thanks and many kisses, dear
ReplyBeautiful post .
ReplyMy blog: RumelaTheShopaholic
Wow! You always touch our hearts with those lovely poems!
totally love it!
Rica |
Belas palavras escrita com a alma sucesso belo dia, lindas imagens
It is always the good ones that are put to the worse tests...perhaps it is because only they have a change of passing them. Good luck to George....great writing.
I love that the story now goes into 18th century London! YAY!
Love how you always set the scenes through the Revelations series!
Thanks so much
ReplyThat is so sweet!! Thank you
ReplyGracias mi amiga!
ReplyLuck was an on again/off again relationship for Georg, usually to some wicked extremes. Thank you so much sweet friend.
ReplyIt is a huge challeneg to give a good backdrop in this writing style so your compliments is extra sweet to read
Thank you so much!!
ReplySo glad you like young Georg. He was younger than even dear Louisa when his world took its tragic turn. They would have been great friends indeed if fate had seen fit to bring them together at that point. Thanks so much mi corazon
Kisses and hugs for you too!!
ReplyThanks so much and you also
Replynice post:
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Que pases un feliz fin de semana.
ReplyUn beso
Maggie D.
Fashion Blog Maggie Dallospedale fashion diary
well extremes can be good for building character, even if they are hard to endure.
ReplyIf you stop by my blog, you will notice that I deleted your last comment, it was an accident, I was trying to delete one of those nasty spammers. Sorry for that!
Increible post!!
Replyun beso...
Zapatos Rojos
Amazing photos *.*
Interesting story, you have great talent for write, you must write a book. Happy weekend!
It would be so lovely to hear from you. I promise to respond either here or on your blog.